Thursday, March 29, 2007

Flashback: Japanese Youth Exchange

Finally I've posted about the Youth Exchange that came to live in my house! This is all due to the laziness after work everyday in AMD.

I'm posting the activities they went through in KL!

Nothing more that I can say

This post is dedicated to my penang friends that didn't get to view the pics in Shiguma's cam.

Bye Bye!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

smashpOp: Updates from Logicyuan pt.2





pt 2 ok :P

( i seriously didnt know that Logicyuan has not shaved his moustache before.. ahahahha)

til then... smashpOp signin off

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

smashpOp: Farewell gathering before NS

Before logicyuan left for NS, he met up with frens at Swensens on the 17th..

some photos he asked me to post while he is away... :P

here goes..

I dono who's who ok....

so don ask me for their names.. ahaha

probably you guys know their names...

then comment and let me know who's in which pic n ill update this post.

more pics soon!

Monday, March 19, 2007

smashpOp: Updates from JiYuan pt 1

Kacau oni this guy msg me so early in the morning.. ahahha i sleep syok syok wan..

anyways... heres some updates from the owner of this blog.

ahahahah what do you guys think about the bus that smells like bau ketiak?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lawlen: LogicYuan's Stomping Performance at GAFS Dinner

Going off in a few hours!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I just weighed myself and I'm 71.8 kg. I really hope I will shed some fats in the National Service Camp!

Do not run away for the coming 3 months,because my 3 guest bloggers will help me update you guys on stuffs! so please stay tune,the 3 guests will be smashpOp,Rames and Lawlen.

I certainly do not know how are they going to cope with the updates but I suggest that they sort out the work among themselves,for example A updates on Mondays,B updates on Wednesdays and C updates on weekends or what bla bla...

okay,Let me say a big thank you to all of those that wished me farewell and good luck! see you guys in 3 months!

If you guys miss me,please call me at 016-4195333. however,i can only return ur messages or receive ur calls during weekends and my camp is in Sik,Kedah so Friday 6pm till Saturday 5pm I can use my phone.


btw,apart from praying that nothing bad happens to me,please pray for my camera,yeah!i'm bringing please pray that it won't be stolen!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Farewell before NS

farewell before NS

I'm going for National Service for 3 months...where I'm gonna miss you people! come and meet me! Everyone is invited!

Disclaimer:As LogicYuan is still financially dependant,he cannot afford to treat everyone for this outing but can only hope that he can treat all of you in 15 years time when he is truly financially independant and rich enough to belanja all of you without giving himself problems.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Meme - A-Z

Cedric Ang Thay Kor tagged me!!!

A for Age : 17, Seventeen, Tujuh Belas!

B for Booze of Choice : erm...Margarita? my favourite cocktail

C for Career : Now not confirmed 30 years time F & B or IT Tycoon?

D for you most Dreaded : Nobody visit my blog in a day other than myself...

E for essential items you use everyday : Toilet bowl?need to pangsai every morning...

F for Favourite song of the moment : Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant + Drew Barrymore(the demo version la)

G for favourite Game : Terminator(not the Arnold one,a handphone word game)

H for Hometown : well the origin of my ancestors is in Foshan,Guangdong,China but my lovely mommy gave birth to me in the Penang Adventist Hospital!

I for Indulgence : Penang Hawker Food!

J for favourite flavour of juice : Ampala without sooi-bui

K for Koo Kien Keat : The AngMo commentator call him Koo Kien KID(wahlao eh) I admire his badminton skills la!Menang All-England!

L for Last Hug by anyone : Can't remember?I think my AngMo friend hugged me when she came back last year?I rarely hug boster everyday let me hug got la...

M for Mother : I love her!

N for Name of your crush : no crush now gf n no target also... sad la

O for Orgasms : Hanya dapat dari DIY.. still virgin la k!

P for Phobias : don't really have any,if wanna force something out from my kacui,its Height lo...but everybody also get a bit scared when they are looking out from tall places don't they?

Q for Quote : my quote constantly changing one... last time was YeeYee,Bagus, now don't have ler

R for biggest Regret : wacked one of the important people in my growing process(i was hurt deeply in my heart that time,but now i regret that action)

S for Status,married or single : Single and very very available!!!(that's y ppl think i'm gay,how can ji yuan have no gf till now?) I am STRAIGHT! I need a girl friend !!!

T for Time you wake up : Schooling - 6 a.m. , Working + take bas kilang - 6 a.m. , Working + driving - 7.30 a.m. , Nothing to do/Holidays - 10 a.m. (average)

U for Underwear : usually AE brand lo,sometimes Byford and lots of 3 for RM10 from the market

V for Vegetable you love : erm.. it depends on the way of preparation but i seriously do not like ginger

W for Worst habit : do things last minute(now not so bad d la...)

X for X movies I've watched : many ler...lost count( pls don't learn this from abang Logic!ur mommy will kill me)

Y for Yummy food you make : Stir Fried Beef?(learnt from recipe book)I seriously love beef!!!

Z for Zodiac sign : Lunar - Snake, Star Horoscope - Taurus(lee hom n shakespeare oso taurus ler)

My turn to Tag 5 people yeah! LIMA orang! :

1. Lawlen

2. Annabelle

3. Hui Wen

4. Teddy

5. CY

Lawlen: Guest Blogger #3


Hey everyone, it's me L4wr (or Lawlen if Logicyuan prefers =.=). I'll be one of his guest blogger for the time being while he go enjoy his life. See ya guys around.

Ciao =P

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rames : Guest Blogger #2

Hello! and I'm Rames in charge of blogging for Ji Yuan when is away to serve the country lol :)

smashpOp: Guest Blogger #1


my name is pOp. .. smashpOp.

So I'll guestblog here when Adik Yuan is away for National Service. ahahha

ok bye

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia for LogicYuan

the reporters

banyak orang berkumpul

LogicYuan's SPM












In conclusion I got 6As lor...(if i include 1119) That's the result for not studying at all.(never do homework,never listen to the teacher,never revise)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Penang Bloggers Hike 2007 #2

looks like comic

Roar! Our journey begins...I find the pic above very similar to those HK comics like below.
hong kong comics

This is taken from a Hong Kong comic called 风云(Wind & Cloud or Stormraiders).

Knocked Out

Just 3 minutes after our journey started I did of course its just for YOU easy tired meh?

hike groupie

stopped at the bridge for a photo!

challenging trail

Then continue!

smile if you are gay

Saw this written on a pole with a correction pen...

had to act tulan

Whoever you are that wrote this there,thank you for your vandalisme,if not this photo wouldn't exist at all...

break groupie

I think after around 1 hours we stopped to take pics and chill out

logicyuan is strong or not

We were having Beachlympics there.. I did some weightlifting there.Its not that heavy la but hard to stabilize because its so damn LONG...

beach baseball

Here comes the second event,Beach Baseball,Koolz represented the bloggers team...LOL beach baseball pula?nvr heard before ler?

gangsters in the jungle

Me and Cedric.

Cool Facts:Do you guys know how Cedric found out about the
Penang Bloggers Meet?He searched for Penang Bloggers Meet through Google and the timing was right! So he get to go to the meet...I was suprised to hear that from him...

monkey beach

We finally arrived at Monkey Beach... It was dirtier than I expected it to be,I thought Batu Ferringhi is dirtier mana tahu come such a long way,sini pun kotor juga.

dead jelly fish

But here at least got something special,dead jelly fish...



we are friends

After taking some photos there,I made friends with the monkeys at monkey beach..(there's an S behind the monkey is because the whole monkey beach,we saw TWO monkeys only but still plural right?)

sand ski

Sand-Ski pula?


Saw these kids swimming,its our turn to go down...

After swimming(for like don't know how many minutes,sekejap saja because polluted lah the water), gotta pose a bit for the camera:

the three musketeers

Just because I have bigger muscles doesn't mean you have to isolate me gua?Joking Joking...(I think Anthony held the cam)

cedric with his limp dXxX

Koolz and I had a hard time burying cedric as no one helped us..wah damn tiring

bbq groupie

BBQ time..all we had was frankfurters,chicken balls(not the one u r thinking) and crab balls(the crab balls were CRAP balls).

Lepas enjoy,we cabut in a boat,the Captain was Attan,he charged us RM5 per person,quite cheap!

boat groupie
