Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I kena tagged by Jess Sophia

I would like to encourage you guys to tag me now because I'm having a hard time uploading my pics for updates as I don't have a pc here in Bukit Jalil and the only time I can update my blog is when I'm in APIIT.So please leave a message in my cbox if you tagged me.The bandwidth cannot sustain so many users at the campus hence is quite slow and its a nuisance to edit or caption the pics with the college's PC.

Jess Sophia tagged me. Here it is...

1. What was the last thing you did that you pleased your parents?
Can't believe I'm actually taking quite a long time to figure this out and I can't find any definite events about pleasing them,maybe Mother's Day or my examination results?

2. Do you keep long nails?
No,I keep them neat.

3. What makes you start blogging?
Seeing other people blogging and it made me want to present things to other people.

4. Blog hopping is good or bad?
Good if you really try to pay some effort about the content but just to attract traffic,I think its annoying.

5. How long you take to bath?
Depends when.Usually 20 minutes+.If I indulge myself in the bathroom means very very long including napping in the bath tub.

6. Whose blog you viewed before doing this tag?
Jess Sophia

7. What motivates you to go out for the outdoors the most?

8. How long is your average SMS length?
Usually 2 sentences.I tend to make the SMS longer if its suppose to be short by adding some 'courtest' words like please,thank you etc since we pay the same amount for 1 SMS.

9. What you use your email for?
Registering online accounts and communicating obviously?

10. What is your favourite snack?
I don't really snack that much.Definitely not sweet stuff.

11. What movie that you think that is worth for your money this year?
All the ones Mon-Fri before 6pm with Student

12. What would you look for when you wake up early in the morning?
Turning off my HP alarm!

I tag Derek,Lawlen and Sasha.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Meme - A-Z

Cedric Ang Thay Kor tagged me!!!

A for Age : 17, Seventeen, Tujuh Belas!

B for Booze of Choice : erm...Margarita? my favourite cocktail

C for Career : Now not confirmed 30 years time F & B or IT Tycoon?

D for you most Dreaded : Nobody visit my blog in a day other than myself...

E for essential items you use everyday : Toilet bowl?need to pangsai every morning...

F for Favourite song of the moment : Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant + Drew Barrymore(the demo version la)

G for favourite Game : Terminator(not the Arnold one,a handphone word game)

H for Hometown : well the origin of my ancestors is in Foshan,Guangdong,China but my lovely mommy gave birth to me in the Penang Adventist Hospital!

I for Indulgence : Penang Hawker Food!

J for favourite flavour of juice : Ampala without sooi-bui

K for Koo Kien Keat : The AngMo commentator call him Koo Kien KID(wahlao eh) I admire his badminton skills la!Menang All-England!

L for Last Hug by anyone : Can't remember?I think my AngMo friend hugged me when she came back last year?I rarely hug boster everyday let me hug got la...

M for Mother : I love her!

N for Name of your crush : no crush now gf n no target also... sad la

O for Orgasms : Hanya dapat dari DIY.. still virgin la k!

P for Phobias : don't really have any,if wanna force something out from my kacui,its Height lo...but everybody also get a bit scared when they are looking out from tall places don't they?

Q for Quote : my quote constantly changing one... last time was YeeYee,Bagus, now don't have ler

R for biggest Regret : wacked one of the important people in my growing process(i was hurt deeply in my heart that time,but now i regret that action)

S for Status,married or single : Single and very very available!!!(that's y ppl think i'm gay,how can ji yuan have no gf till now?) I am STRAIGHT! I need a girl friend !!!

T for Time you wake up : Schooling - 6 a.m. , Working + take bas kilang - 6 a.m. , Working + driving - 7.30 a.m. , Nothing to do/Holidays - 10 a.m. (average)

U for Underwear : usually AE brand lo,sometimes Byford and lots of 3 for RM10 from the market

V for Vegetable you love : erm.. it depends on the way of preparation but i seriously do not like ginger

W for Worst habit : do things last minute(now not so bad d la...)

X for X movies I've watched : many ler...lost count( pls don't learn this from abang Logic!ur mommy will kill me)

Y for Yummy food you make : Stir Fried Beef?(learnt from recipe book)I seriously love beef!!!

Z for Zodiac sign : Lunar - Snake, Star Horoscope - Taurus(lee hom n shakespeare oso taurus ler)

My turn to Tag 5 people yeah! LIMA orang! :

1. Lawlen

2. Annabelle

3. Hui Wen

4. Teddy

5. CY

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Meme - Five reasons why I blog

5 true reasons why I blog!

1. I feel happy when people talk to me and they say:"hey! your trademark pose like this ah?".

2. I get girls adding me in MSN and tell me your ass is HAWT~!

(scanned from the star)

3. I get to "Hao-Lian"(show off) my achievements!

(this was taken in 2005)

4. To show my grandchildren that your grandpa did some crazy things to satisfy his readers!provided if google belum bankrupt!

5. I get to drag ppl to view my blog just to put a smile on their faces!

(Taken fromTungz's mom's graduation day!I took some photos for her)

---Above is blogging from the heart---

---Below is blogging from the brain---
(don't read this,waste ur time nia)

I always see
ppl using terms like tagged and meme,but I don't know the actual meaning of these terms,all I know is there's always question and answer,so you guys please tell me the meaning k?

Anyway 5Xmom tagged me.

I also don't know what I'm doing because I don't understand the concept of tagging and meme-
ing but I know should just give 5ive reasons why I blog...

ive reasons why I blog:

1. I get a record of the meaning events in my life(I tried to write a diary many times but I usually give up after one week,ask me to
tulis tulis tulis,I damn lazy wor,but blogging got picture ler!)

2. Sharing.My friends get to know what I do and what happened to me (some people may say i "
hao-lian"(showoff) things in my life but who cares?I really just wanna let my friends know lor...nvm got blogger friends that understand me)(chatting in MSN time,i wanna talk about an event,its really hard to tell sometimes so i mah ask them to see my blog to refer to the pictures lo{macam iklan again})

3. Get Attention!Get people to notice my
existance(get to know what is my position in the blogging world,people like my blog or not?my pictures nice or not?my content good or not?I want to be an actor la because i really like to act and i really like to watch tv,since not many chances to act so I mah blog lo!people can still see ME in my blog.I see many GENG bloggers in the net,I also don't want to be left behind{but after blogging,i'm still far far behind})

4. Because when I'm interested in other
ppl's blog and I give my comments,they will be interested about me also,so I need to "pass up my homework".(actually if nobody cares about my blog,I won't blog at all,I sometimes blog for the sake of recording but most of the time I blog because people want updates in my blog and if i don't update,i feel like i disappoint them)

5.duno d....can't think of brain berkarat d


Now I need to tag 5 persons to do this 5 reasons thingy! :

3.Nicholas Chan
5.Zhe Hao