Reached there and went inside looking for any familiar faces and I saw CY and emily..woohoo! We were all cool about it and started chatting.After a while,a kid talked to Koolz and then we found out this nice lady on the other table is actually kuE... damn it... tak tahu pun haha..
We were talking about these bloggers are true Malaysians because... of their time management haha.. you know what i'm talking about!
More and more bloggers came and since there weren't enough space inside as there was quite a number of customers inside,so I suggested that we move outside.

Banyak orang di situ,we had to adjust the table and chairs.I felt that I did quite a bad job as the "or-kui-ni-ser".(thanks to 5Xmom for d nick) haha...
I should've asked the starbucks crew to arrange the furnitures earlier to accomodate the people I invited and not ask my blogger friends to DIY.I should've written all the stickers the night earlier so that they can just claim their stickers without writting with my marker that is running out of ink.I should've bought a book to make it as a guest book so that everyone can write down their respective details in it.

I was telling CY which button to press to take this pic...turnout begitu candid haha xD
When 5Xmom arrived,everybody got so excited... She played a very big role in this bloggers meet,if she tak datang,i think nobody wanna come d..

kuE drove all the way from Kuala Kangsar to attend this meet.Her daughter puteri was the one that told her about this meet but she was too shy to come?sad la...don't be shy next time!I felt really proud that she came all the way...

Some ANGPAUs from 5Xmom... got two categories... Bigger ANGPAUs for students and smaller ones for those who sudah kerja... I ambil the kecil one.. haha i working temporarily...

We were browsing through some blogs over there.. we looked weird so I asked them do we look like were watching porn in group? haha

These two mamas came with their cutie little kiddies!

Since it was hot outside,I had to find a way for us to move inside.I can't believe I actually approached two guys there and asked them to move(of course in a very good manner) and they were leaving soon too so settle..I would never had done such a thing if I didn't organise this event.. I'm not so daring one lar... haha maybe its the blogger drive..baru can become so berani lol

Not long after we settle the seats,excessive camwhoring started...

Groupie! yay! tried to get everyone in the pic la but some left some duno go where,some shy...

Suppose to "cho-siao" in this pic but.. looks like 20% of the ppl cho siao one....Jolene and I paling gila in the middle only..

Jumped before we head to Pelita @ Tesco..that time most of the bloggers dah balik kampung...

Met John from PenangHokkien later on...before he arrived we were eating and an old Malay guy came to ask for a chair and we told him that there's someone occupying and he left. 20 minutes later he came over and talked to us:
(can it be considered as talking or what?you judge)
Old man: Where's your friend?
Bloggers: He's not here yet,he's on the way
Old man: Oh...(in a very sarcastic manner)
Bloggers: It's for real ok?
Old man: You cannot be a Malaysian la..
*walks off mumbling with his wife,the couple's faces was so damn crumpled up
At that moment i felt like walking to their faces and tell them: "i give you ten ringgit and you sit here and wait,our friend John of Penang Hokkien is coming!do you read the star?he sudah appear in the star a few times in the past few days?" damn it la wei!

John gave us some "lecture" about podcasting and stuff... we took a groupie before he left,too bad for those that went home earlier... didn't get to meet john in person... He's tall and big size la...
More updates on the PBM coming soon...
no worries bout the "I-SHOULD-HAVEs" you missed out being the organiser, there's no success without a failure... well, the future meets are just gonna get better and better-er, right? ;)
Ji Yuan, you are the best or kui ever (lol) and if anyone has any doubt, just look at the marvellous attendance and plus, this dude is only 18!!
You're destined to go far, dude. To quote Avril, "Keep Holding On"!
Ps. Sorry I suck at jumping :P
Nalini>failure is the mother of sucess...thanks for ur words
CY>btw i'm 17 ok?don't say until i'm so old...
alo kawan, i was still in penang when u were jumping ler... we went straight to gurney plaza after i left e-gate. we only left penang around 5.45pm ;)
talking about time management, i would like to recommend everyone to read honk! if you are malaysian by lydia teh. i blogged about my meet with her too! check it out ek?
oh gosh. I totally forgot about this meet. Old man memory. :(
Sorry everyone.
Say you're 18 better mah... *wink wink*
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