Showing posts with label gathering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gathering. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Short Update: What I've been doing recently

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been busy with my exams and after that I went back to my hometown Penang. The first thing to do is to have Penang Char Koay Teow! Just like Tony Stark in Iron Man wanted to have an American Cheeseburger right before anything else when he arrived back in his home country.

Penang Ferry Pulau Undan

I haven't been back since Chinese New Year! 3 months!

Wonderful appetizer at Salsas Penang

Parents took me to have great meal at Salsas.

Happy Birthday to Lim Yin Tung

I got some photos printed and had this picture framed as a gift to Yin Tung for his birthday.

Larry Yi Qiao Ji Yuan Chan Wei Kean Li

Had dinner at a German restaurant called Ingolf the night before I came back to KL.

More post are coming up! Stay tune!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Farewell before NS

farewell before NS

I'm going for National Service for 3 months...where I'm gonna miss you people! come and meet me! Everyone is invited!

Disclaimer:As LogicYuan is still financially dependant,he cannot afford to treat everyone for this outing but can only hope that he can treat all of you in 15 years time when he is truly financially independant and rich enough to belanja all of you without giving himself problems.