Showing posts with label National Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Service. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2008

National Service Blast to the Past

My college life in KL is getting on my nerve as I have no extra-curricular activities over here. My national service days came to mind,hence I decided to post some of the pics here.

Shooting day...I look so damn nerdy...wore glasses so that I can see the target clearly.

Latihan Air...My partner in front and me controlling from behind.

Fishing by the pond during weekends.

A group picture on the election day. Do I look like Jallaudin Hassan in the coat? lol

The closing ceremony...


Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Days in the National Service Program#1 : Kembara Halangan #1

Here comes the 1st episode of My Days in the National Service Program!

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Fizikal

Kembara Halangan - Obstacle Courses part 1

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

NS Fact: Like the military,there are four main companies(some have more).

,Bravo,Charlie and Delta.

I'm in Kompeni Bravo(Bravo Company).

According to wikipedia, An obstacle course is a series of challenging physical obstacles an individual or team must navigate usually while being timed. Obstacles courses can include running, climbing, jumping, crawling and balancing elements with the aim of testing endurance; sometimes a course involves mental tests.

(no pics of me crossing the obstacles,only me taking pictures of my friends)
Kembara Halangan-pagar 3 kaki

Pagar tiga kaki, the 3 foot fence(not 3 legs ok!)
-"sup sup sui" I passed it so easily

Kembara Halangan Tembok enam kaki

Tembok enam kaki, the 6 foot wall
- I crossed with ease again...but I was really suprised that some of the wira find it very difficult,wirawati can have partners assisting them to cross this but wira have to do it alone...
(in some camps,wirawati don't have to do this at all)

NS fact:Trainees are called Wira(for boys) and Wirawati(for girls)

So I'm a wira! haha I'm a Hero...

Kembara Halangan Monkey Bar

The Monkey Bars...
- Sad to say but I have to admit that I fell into the water the first time I tried the monkey bars,mainly because it rained before we went into the jungle so the bars are wet and I couldn't grip the bars as well as I should but the 2nd time I got passed it without a problem.

Camp fact: Usually the Kembara Halangan in other camps are on the ground,hence it is easier.In certain camps like mine,the equipments are installed in the jungle up the hills but its cooler and more adventurous.

Kembara Halangan-The Tarzan Swing

The Tarzan Swing
- This is fun...OH-E-O E-O!

Kembara Halangan To be continued....

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Days in the National Service Program : Intro

Ladies and gentlemen,I'm finally putting one step forward towards blogging about my days in the Program Latihan Khidmat Negara(PLKN) also known as the National Service Program(NS).

The reason for not updating about my days in NS is mainly because I had to think how should I blog about it,should it be in chronological order(of course must be logical) or should I follow by events or by module categorizing.

I feel incredibly guilty if someone comes up to me and ask me whether I'm going to blog about it or not or when will I finally do something about it... So here's the intro:

I am going to blog about it according to the modules.

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Fizikal

1) PLKN - Modul Fizikal

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Pembinaan Karakter

2) PLKN - Modul Pembinaan Karakter

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Kenegaraan

3) PLKN - Modul Kenegaraan

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Khidmat Komuniti

4) PLKN - Khidmat Komuniti


5) Others....

Without further ado, I shall give you guys a preview of the 1st episode:

He looks like Yoda

His face,his skull,his height... Yoda-a-like

Tell me I'm not the only one that thinks he looks like Yoda?

Coming soon...
1st episode
Kembara Halangan
(Obstacle Courses)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

L4wr: LogicYuan NS Updates

Hey guys, sorry for the late posting. Been very busy with school =P

Here are all the photos of his NS life he sent me.

LogicYuan with his brother Logic, behind his father's car.
Going to balik kampung I guess.

LogicYuan with NS comrades. They sure look similiar...

His bed at the encampment.
The boxes, I think you put things in it. Rite?

This is a straw house. Made of high flameable materials.
Easy to dispose when dunwan use.

The modern sampan.
Can only take 2 person.
If terhempas, I think you need swift reflexes to get your legs out of those holes.

That's all for today. Enjoy =)

Friday, April 06, 2007

Brief Update while I'm back for 3 days from NS

After some travelling,finally reached home.Thanks to my parents that spent the time and effort to fetch me from Sik,Kedah. Once the automatic gate opened,my dog Dino jumped up and hugged me for 2 minutes, he missed me a lot, I played with him for a while. He made me feel appreciated. Dogs really deserve the title as "Man's Best Friend". Basically did some sleeping and eating... Slept on my own bed..HOME SWEET HOME and most important of all, crapped in my own toilet bowl... What A Relief!

I sent some pics to all 3 guest bloggers of mine and they'll post them up when they're free... Bye for now~!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Going off in a few hours!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I just weighed myself and I'm 71.8 kg. I really hope I will shed some fats in the National Service Camp!

Do not run away for the coming 3 months,because my 3 guest bloggers will help me update you guys on stuffs! so please stay tune,the 3 guests will be smashpOp,Rames and Lawlen.

I certainly do not know how are they going to cope with the updates but I suggest that they sort out the work among themselves,for example A updates on Mondays,B updates on Wednesdays and C updates on weekends or what bla bla...

okay,Let me say a big thank you to all of those that wished me farewell and good luck! see you guys in 3 months!

If you guys miss me,please call me at 016-4195333. however,i can only return ur messages or receive ur calls during weekends and my camp is in Sik,Kedah so Friday 6pm till Saturday 5pm I can use my phone.


btw,apart from praying that nothing bad happens to me,please pray for my camera,yeah!i'm bringing please pray that it won't be stolen!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Farewell before NS

farewell before NS

I'm going for National Service for 3 months...where I'm gonna miss you people! come and meet me! Everyone is invited!

Disclaimer:As LogicYuan is still financially dependant,he cannot afford to treat everyone for this outing but can only hope that he can treat all of you in 15 years time when he is truly financially independant and rich enough to belanja all of you without giving himself problems.