Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Short Update: What I've been doing recently

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been busy with my exams and after that I went back to my hometown Penang. The first thing to do is to have Penang Char Koay Teow! Just like Tony Stark in Iron Man wanted to have an American Cheeseburger right before anything else when he arrived back in his home country.

Penang Ferry Pulau Undan

I haven't been back since Chinese New Year! 3 months!

Wonderful appetizer at Salsas Penang

Parents took me to have great meal at Salsas.

Happy Birthday to Lim Yin Tung

I got some photos printed and had this picture framed as a gift to Yin Tung for his birthday.

Larry Yi Qiao Ji Yuan Chan Wei Kean Li

Had dinner at a German restaurant called Ingolf the night before I came back to KL.

More post are coming up! Stay tune!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An Orgasmic Audio with Headphones!

I just started using Stumble Upon one week ago and it has been bringing lots of online entertainment to me.


Just 10 minutes ago, my Malawian friend Sami sent me a link in Stumble Upon about this audio clip done with Binaural Recording technology. Let me tell you! This is totally MIND-BLOWING! IT'S WICKED!!!!

Binaural recording
is a method of recording audio which uses a special microphone arrangement intended for replay using headphones.
(Check out the wikipedia page of Binaural Recording here)

So get your Headphones ready! Plug it into your PC, and close your eyes when you are listening to it!

Don't even bother to try listening to it with speakers, it doesn't work, you'll just hear some stupid sound if you use the speaker.

Use a pair of headphones!

Make sure you close your eyes!

If you don't try it, you'll regret it!

The link is here!

Take care of your hair! LOL You'll know what I mean later!

(tip: there's one part the audio stop suddenly,i don't know what the problem is but you just need to click play and it will continue,its not because of buffer speed.)

Friday, April 25, 2008

ADV: Meet Soh Hem Sem or Meet So Logic?

Few days ago, I saw this Soh Hem Sem guy around the net and begin to ask myself, what's so "Hem Sem" about him?

Soh Hem Sem So Handsome

I logged on the site and saw this "stim" fella on the main page, he looks blur and all. There's these few buttons where you can click to make him change his hairstyle, try checking it out, they're kinda cool.

Soh Hem Sem kena from nenek

One that I liked most is the "Meet the Granny" part where she made him look like this good boy with the conventional old school center parting hairstyle, after that he quickly waxes his hair and turns himself into a cool guy.

Being LogicYuan myself, isn't it illogical if I do not do something to match this "soh chai"?

Lamest hairstyle in the world

LogicYuan with his crappy look... Having low self esteem, unwilling to meet people, always hiding in his corner at home....

some stupid random hairstyle

He decides to do something about his life and starts off slow with a random hairstyle...

Okay, that ain't good enough...

Dumbass Logic

Logic found out that he had failed to be trendy and got a little sad, he turns himself into this dumbass...

sixties logic hairstyle brylcreem

Suddenly, he wants to go old school with the superman hook...

logic nerd introvert holding books

After spending so much time styling his hair, his parents are yelling at him to study for the upcoming exams! That's when the Nerdy and introvert Logic comes to show...

logicyuan the big boss

Having much consideration, LogicYuan thinks its better to be the bully than to be bullied!

Who's your daddy?!?!

Punk Logic

Logic actually wants to be a punk!
(insider joke:but not with flowers on his head)

wacky logic rock

Now I let you comment on my facial expression? LOL

the cool logicyuan

Ok! Finally its a look where Logically he can be himself in it...

crazy looking logicyuan

In the end, logic got all crazy and starting to question himself: "Is this all logical?!?!"


Last but not least, they have this home made ad competition for brylcreem, I watched the top 3 winners, and they were very cool and creative. The kid in the "Brylcreem Ad For All Ages" is so cute can!
Check it out for yourself here.