Friday, April 25, 2008

ADV: Meet Soh Hem Sem or Meet So Logic?

Few days ago, I saw this Soh Hem Sem guy around the net and begin to ask myself, what's so "Hem Sem" about him?

Soh Hem Sem So Handsome

I logged on the site and saw this "stim" fella on the main page, he looks blur and all. There's these few buttons where you can click to make him change his hairstyle, try checking it out, they're kinda cool.

Soh Hem Sem kena from nenek

One that I liked most is the "Meet the Granny" part where she made him look like this good boy with the conventional old school center parting hairstyle, after that he quickly waxes his hair and turns himself into a cool guy.

Being LogicYuan myself, isn't it illogical if I do not do something to match this "soh chai"?

Lamest hairstyle in the world

LogicYuan with his crappy look... Having low self esteem, unwilling to meet people, always hiding in his corner at home....

some stupid random hairstyle

He decides to do something about his life and starts off slow with a random hairstyle...

Okay, that ain't good enough...

Dumbass Logic

Logic found out that he had failed to be trendy and got a little sad, he turns himself into this dumbass...

sixties logic hairstyle brylcreem

Suddenly, he wants to go old school with the superman hook...

logic nerd introvert holding books

After spending so much time styling his hair, his parents are yelling at him to study for the upcoming exams! That's when the Nerdy and introvert Logic comes to show...

logicyuan the big boss

Having much consideration, LogicYuan thinks its better to be the bully than to be bullied!

Who's your daddy?!?!

Punk Logic

Logic actually wants to be a punk!
(insider joke:but not with flowers on his head)

wacky logic rock

Now I let you comment on my facial expression? LOL

the cool logicyuan

Ok! Finally its a look where Logically he can be himself in it...

crazy looking logicyuan

In the end, logic got all crazy and starting to question himself: "Is this all logical?!?!"


Last but not least, they have this home made ad competition for brylcreem, I watched the top 3 winners, and they were very cool and creative. The kid in the "Brylcreem Ad For All Ages" is so cute can!
Check it out for yourself here.


Anonymous said...

hahaha..i like punk and wacky logic rock...

cHrIstInA_YY said...

roflol, who took those photos for u??? haha...funny!~

Peter said...

u gonna become 2nd steven lim O_O

no offence ^_^

the guitar one is nicr

Mei-Wah said...

a very interesting post you have here! (^_^) where you have this idea to create so MANY hair styles? i wonder... hehehe... great post!

Eric said...

Haha ... U look cool with "Logic Da Boss" ... with black Pan on the hand ... !

Derek said...

the guitar looks awfully familiar..xD

ikanbilis said...

wah so shiok sendiri lah you

Dr. C said...

hahahahaa!!!! you always make me laugh...

I couldn't help it but started laughing, who help you to take those pics? or was it on tripod? hahahaha!!! so creative larrr u....

2nd Unit 2nd Room said...

you would have won if you sent in yours... weee~!

Chee Ching said...

Hahaha how long you took to do that? =D

LogicYuan said...

Nigel> That wacky one memang i sudah gila

cHrIstInA_YY>my housemate took it for me lo

wenzi>I hope I'm not like

Mei Wah>thanks,erm I just put on some wax and keep on simply styling my hair lo

Eric>haha..wanna get hit?LOL


ikanbilis>you envy ah? haha

Dr.Carolyn>haha I feel happy if you feel happy, laughter is the best medicine! My housemate Andrew helped me.. Thanks!

UncleJosh>Haha only got video competition la...

chingy>I think the taking pictures part took around 30 minutes because have to comb hair...then compilation and editing took a while... xD

Akira 思胜 said...

Kinda funny here!!! hehe... u can be the next model already...

Derek said...

i can imagine what happen to you at the last pic "crazy logic"..


omg,u r damn funny,

Anonymous said...

I dig the crazy logic look and the dumbass logic look :) haha! The last one reminds me of a photoshoot in American's Next Top Model where the contestants have to pose for 4 different facial expressions... and the one who won the photoshoot has one photo that is almost the same as crazy logic!

You must have invested quite some time and effort for this! It's a shame that they only accept videos.

kYean said...

G chord!!!!

Yesha Gee said...

OMG..... you're one 'narci' human being!... ehem just like me.
