2 and a half weeks ago, it was APIIT/UCTI's March Intake 2008 Orientation week.
I was involved a little in programme ideas and helped here and there.
The coolest part of this time's orientation is the Mini sketch. Students were asked to dress a model with newspapers and the thread given. Then perform a short sketch with the model. I suggested the theme to be "Futuristic" as they are fresh technology students with good imagination in a high tech way!
What impresses me the most is having the students to give their best shot for the activity. The attitude was great and the energy level was high.
Nice shoes huh?
The leading designer and her model. Both with a wide smile :)
Most of the costumes and sketches were great. This costume really caught my eye having the Malaysian Government Cabinet attached to his body. Take note of the Malaysia's current Prime Minister Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Deputy Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak on his shoulder. Haha :D
He's a dude k!
Here comes our sexy bunny. I admire his courage. He reminds me of myself when I used to cross dress for sketches. This concept works most of the time, its always funny and attracts a whole lot of attention. This dude actually asked whether I will post his photos in public but I told him no names will be shown.
Bollywood's version of King Leonidas? Haha! He should have shouted:"This is Bollywood!"
Thumbs up to this group! In my opinion, this was the creative outfit of the day!
This team with the Zorro concept was quite good with their sketch. They paid more effort towards the sketch than the outfit and it paid off. He can actually time travel to different time dimensions to save the day. Plus, he's contacted through his high tech cell phone that can call even from few thousand years ahead. Sounds absurd? hey peeps, its a skecth!
Everybody paying attention to the performances.
(Click on the pic for larger image)
At last the large group pic of the designers and models.
Ladies and gentlemen, if I left out your picture doesn't mean that you don't get to see them. I've uploaded the rest of the photos into my facebook photo albums.
Below are the links for the photos:
APIIT/UCTI March '08 Orientation pics Album 1
APIIT/UCTI March '08 Orientation pics Album 2
The fashion show is nice!! Really creative for the freshies....
Thank goodness it isn't like those day where the seniors would torture the new comers. Especially at this age where we're capable of thinking and standing up for ourselves, going overboard with this would end up with someone being killed. Probably by me.
p.s. When there's nothing to lose, someone's gonna lose their life.
Reminds me of Project Runway :D
Very creative.
is college THIS fun?! if so, I WANNA GO TO COLLEGE NOW!
i like the shoes...lol
you get so close to the people when you shoot, i like it...and i do this way too, pal~
Hey wheres my pic?? Im the hiro nakamura ninja!!
USWS>We don't RAG in APIIT
Kopi Soh>Yeah!
Jamie>not everywhere is this fun!its only fun because I'm part of the organising team for the orientation..LOL
gary>the shoes are special!
Faris>Your pic is in my facebook album..look at the links at the end of the post,those are the albums of the orientation
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