Thursday, March 15, 2007

Farewell before NS

farewell before NS

I'm going for National Service for 3 months...where I'm gonna miss you people! come and meet me! Everyone is invited!

Disclaimer:As LogicYuan is still financially dependant,he cannot afford to treat everyone for this outing but can only hope that he can treat all of you in 15 years time when he is truly financially independant and rich enough to belanja all of you without giving himself problems.


Anonymous said...

waa another event. sad i cant go T.T
swensen is steak house lai izit?

こうゆうけん said...

Got treat me or not :P

Annachuu said...

Waahhhhh I wanna go toooooo! x3
But unfortunately, I do not own Qantas or any other airline so too bad la =p

LogicYuan said...

(lawlen)its an ice cream parlour dude...

(koyuuken)if u come i sure treat u!

(annachuu)too bad..hope to meet u again this yr!lol i think we met last yr somewhere around may?

Anonymous said...

You're leacing for NS soon? Oh my remember to enjoy yourself as much as possible before you get your butt over there since I heard that the food over there is quite... argh forget about it XD

Just enjoy! Have a great weekend! Happy swensensing!

ku E said...

halo dude...
walauweii... i was at gurney plaza the whole day yesterday. too bad i didn't read your blog before we went there. if not we should have divert our last-minute plan there to queensbay mall instead ;)
anyhow, good luck dude. all the best to you!

nalini said...

financially dependent in 15yrs time?! hahahaha... so modest. i think you can halve that figure... :P
have fun at NS, tennis when you're back! take care!

cHrIstInA_YY said...

>.<" sobsob now only i get 2 see this post =.=" sorry, cuz i was bz with my family. Wish u all da best..^^