Saturday, August 12, 2006

SLURPEE ! hair sucks!(i didn't bathe that whole day - haha evil grin!)

Its the 3rd time I had Slurpee at 7 Eleven this week and I'm already captioning my pic with the term " slurpee addict"...

Its nice to enjoy a Slurpee during a hot day...

SLURPEE anyone? xD

Mom walked pass me and nagged me by asking: "Still don't wanna study ar?"
It made me furious...why always ask me to study?damn it man! I studied from 10am-2pm and followed by tuition from 2pm-4pm and 5.15pm-7.45pm
What more she wants? If she keeps doing this,it will only worsen my situation...very emotionally disturbing...

nth much to say again...signing off...


Annachuu said...

Same problem here with my mum, though her nagging sometimes work cos they sometimes somehow make me feel guilty X3

こうゆうけん said...

Aiya... you no longer small kid ler. Guess you know how to think already... she should give you more freedom.

LogicYuan said...

haha ya lar! i'm no longer a small kid... no need to come nag me like this... what i do is what i get... the law of cause and effect wat...