In a great multi-racial nation like a Malaysia,I feel proud to live in a country with small gaps between each other.I can make friends with all races,I got the chance to understand cultures of others easily,so many benefits.
Most important of all, get girls with different ethnicity !!! cool !!!
Let me dedicade this post to my wonderful Grandfather in Great Britain now.
I just called him on the cell phone to wish him happy birthday and thanked him for the postcard he sent to me during this trip to GB.
I will always remember my granpa's birthday because it falls on the Malaysian Harvest Festival.It is celebrated on the 1st of June by the Kadazans that lives in Borneo.
Refer to this URL about the harvest festival:
Kadazans was known for their killing practices.A leader must have the highest amount of skulls hanging to show his courage and bravery.So crazy........But the practice had been banned long ago...thank god...if not nobody dare to visit Borneo.
HAPPY B'DAY GRANPA !!! May the Force be with You, lol !!!
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