Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Crazy Old Lady

Image hosted by Photobucket.comJailed Just For This?

An 86-year-old North Carolina woman was given a jail sentence after police said she called US emergency 'dispatchers' over 20 times in a little more than a half-hour - all to complain that a pizza shop wouldn't deliver.

The lady told dispatchers on Sunday that a local pizza shop had refused to deliver to her south Charlotte apartment. She also complained that someone at the shop called her a "crazy old coot". The woman demanded that they be arrested. Instead, police came to arrest her, and she resisted.

It's unusual for someone to face charges for non-emergency calls - but on the day in question, the woman kept calling 911, even after she was told to stop. When an officer arrived at her apartment, the 1.5 metre-tall, 44.5 kg woman attacked him.

The woman scratched him, kicked and bit his hand. The woman is also charged with resisting a public officer and two counts of misusing the emergency telephone system.

Desperate For Pizza ?!?! Haven't die before? such size go fight with police?

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