Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lawlen: LogicYuan's Stomping Performance at GAFS Dinner

Going off in a few hours!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I just weighed myself and I'm 71.8 kg. I really hope I will shed some fats in the National Service Camp!

Do not run away for the coming 3 months,because my 3 guest bloggers will help me update you guys on stuffs! so please stay tune,the 3 guests will be smashpOp,Rames and Lawlen.

I certainly do not know how are they going to cope with the updates but I suggest that they sort out the work among themselves,for example A updates on Mondays,B updates on Wednesdays and C updates on weekends or what bla bla...

okay,Let me say a big thank you to all of those that wished me farewell and good luck! see you guys in 3 months!

If you guys miss me,please call me at 016-4195333. however,i can only return ur messages or receive ur calls during weekends and my camp is in Sik,Kedah so Friday 6pm till Saturday 5pm I can use my phone.


btw,apart from praying that nothing bad happens to me,please pray for my camera,yeah!i'm bringing please pray that it won't be stolen!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Farewell before NS

farewell before NS

I'm going for National Service for 3 months...where I'm gonna miss you people! come and meet me! Everyone is invited!

Disclaimer:As LogicYuan is still financially dependant,he cannot afford to treat everyone for this outing but can only hope that he can treat all of you in 15 years time when he is truly financially independant and rich enough to belanja all of you without giving himself problems.