My dog was so excited to see me again and I decided to take him for a walk.
A dog gotta do what a dog gotta do.
I really loved it when the wind that I'm familiar with brushes through my skin. Guess what? I took the photo above just 50 meters from my house. Nice eh?
Hey Jiyuan, happy new year! Isn't it great to be back at home and enjoy the rustic feeling of Penang? That's one part of Penang that I really adore :)
I like the last photo! Nice saturation and the cow is so cute! What are the swirls above the hills on the right anyway?
where izzit...
so many cows 1...
teddY>Happy new year to you too! Yeah,Penang is one of the rare places that's able to provide a rustic and civilised environment at the same time. Hills,beaches,historical sites,malls all in one.
Thanks for the compliments for the last photo. The sky was photoshopped. It's really hard to capture when the light is coming from the back.Its either front or back.
Haha,this may sound fake or something but I have to tell you that is part of a my experiment to test whether people really look at my photos or they just glance.As I mentioned to you earlier,I admire your attention to detail and once again you proved it. I actually dragged the smudge tool to play around..Haha it doesn't exist in the original file.
OSK>Its near my house. Gelugor area.
agreed! the last pic is very nice :)))
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