Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sushi Groove

2 weeks ago,went down to KL to settle the accomodations for my further studies together with derek.By the way,I'm moving down this monday! We went to 1-utama to makan dinner with some blogger friends!

Sushi Groove

The cutlery and decor is nice there.

Yakiniku Bibimbap

I ordered a Yakiniku Bibimbap. The food was so so,nothing real great. They don't have a sushi belt,so you don't get to see ur sushi before u order them....and its not cheap(for the sushi but for the sets,the price is reasonable).

I took only 2 pics which are above this text.Below are pics taken with pOp's Sony A-100.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Stephen Lim

ban cute smashpop

smashpOp ban







when pOp wanted to photograph me, I tried to stick out my tongue but before I managed to stick my tongue out,he already took it... end up like this..LOL


and Derek...

Notice that everyone sitting on my side has a sort of glow around us,not photoshop effect k! the lights behind caused it.

The sushi groove concept is to have you to sit with strangers...but i know both persons sitting beside me...LOL

btw the service sucks! I had to panggil them non-stop to get them to refill my tea.Abang pOp keep lifting his cup to signal them but they acted as if he's invisible...

At last a group picture...the waiter tak tahu focus before snap one wor...that's y blur..sienz


syferium said...
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Sasha Tan said...

wuah eksyen! makan japonese..

LogicYuan said...

syferium > alamak,u spam my comment box with ur text link ads referral...unethical

sasha > japonese eksyan meh?lol when i make my own sushi,i belanja u..

CRIZ LAI said...

Hey..I did not know you are going down KL for further studies. What course are you taking over there? Anyway, best of luck in your studies. It means no more football right? Haha :P

Alex Steinert Miles said...

errr add me in msn yeah?
need to tell you something in discreet...
now dun u dare laugh at my email address

Anonymous said...

Woah, you're in KL to further your studies? Sounds really great! Welcome to KL then :) haha! And all the best for your future endeavours in your studies. Ahhh you get to meet up with your blog friends! I didn't even have the luxury to do so when I went back last December because my timetable was soooo packed! Haha! Guess you all had a lot of fun seeing each other and dining out together XD

LogicYuan said...

Criz> course at UCTI

Alex>k!its not funny,i like papadams too

teddY>nvm next time when u come back again let's go out lo!~