Showing posts with label sushi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sushi. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sushi Groove

2 weeks ago,went down to KL to settle the accomodations for my further studies together with derek.By the way,I'm moving down this monday! We went to 1-utama to makan dinner with some blogger friends!

Sushi Groove

The cutlery and decor is nice there.

Yakiniku Bibimbap

I ordered a Yakiniku Bibimbap. The food was so so,nothing real great. They don't have a sushi belt,so you don't get to see ur sushi before u order them....and its not cheap(for the sushi but for the sets,the price is reasonable).

I took only 2 pics which are above this text.Below are pics taken with pOp's Sony A-100.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Stephen Lim

ban cute smashpop

smashpOp ban







when pOp wanted to photograph me, I tried to stick out my tongue but before I managed to stick my tongue out,he already took it... end up like this..LOL


and Derek...

Notice that everyone sitting on my side has a sort of glow around us,not photoshop effect k! the lights behind caused it.

The sushi groove concept is to have you to sit with strangers...but i know both persons sitting beside me...LOL

btw the service sucks! I had to panggil them non-stop to get them to refill my tea.Abang pOp keep lifting his cup to signal them but they acted as if he's invisible...

At last a group picture...the waiter tak tahu focus before snap one wor...that's y blur..sienz