Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm in Bukit Jalil

I'm currently typing this post in the UCTI/APIIT lab.

Woah,I don't have a laptop here and there's no internet connection in the apartment I'm staying in.

I will bring some cable to the lab to upload some photos in the next few days so that I can still update my blog for you guys!

Today is the second day of orientation and basically its quite boring because they are constantly briefing the students about those 'blah blah' stuff that you need to know and don't need to know as well.

The food over here,I don't really wanna describe it and I'm wondering how long will I stay in KL before I get back to Penang to enjoy some CHEAP & GOOD food!!!

I'm not in the mood to blog without pictures so see you guys soon!~

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Days in the National Service Program#3 : Handphone thefts

These are the common phones used in my NS camp. Everybody is afraid of getting their cell phone's stolen so we bring these so called "handset" that doesn't have a colour screen.

Many cases happened in the camp and it is really hard to catch the thief or should I say that the coaches do not wish to go through the hassle to catch the thief.So please beware of your own phone.In my camp,we are asked to submit our phones and it will only be returned on weekends and then taken back again when the week ends. So there is only a 2 days time frame for the thieves to take action. Unless you do not wish to submit your phone and you hide it from the coaches then you risk it being stolen.

These are my dorm-mates. No kes kecurian among ourselves. The one with the earphone very the 'yeong sui'...he commited crime before,but he dare not 'kamlan' with me since we are dorm-mates lol

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sushi Groove

2 weeks ago,went down to KL to settle the accomodations for my further studies together with derek.By the way,I'm moving down this monday! We went to 1-utama to makan dinner with some blogger friends!

Sushi Groove

The cutlery and decor is nice there.

Yakiniku Bibimbap

I ordered a Yakiniku Bibimbap. The food was so so,nothing real great. They don't have a sushi belt,so you don't get to see ur sushi before u order them....and its not cheap(for the sushi but for the sets,the price is reasonable).

I took only 2 pics which are above this text.Below are pics taken with pOp's Sony A-100.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Stephen Lim

ban cute smashpop

smashpOp ban







when pOp wanted to photograph me, I tried to stick out my tongue but before I managed to stick my tongue out,he already took it... end up like this..LOL


and Derek...

Notice that everyone sitting on my side has a sort of glow around us,not photoshop effect k! the lights behind caused it.

The sushi groove concept is to have you to sit with strangers...but i know both persons sitting beside me...LOL

btw the service sucks! I had to panggil them non-stop to get them to refill my tea.Abang pOp keep lifting his cup to signal them but they acted as if he's invisible...

At last a group picture...the waiter tak tahu focus before snap one wor...that's y blur..sienz

Monday, July 16, 2007

Transformers,Yoghurt Cake,Yin Tung Move House

Chocolate Mud Pie TGI Friday

2 weeks ago,went to watch Transformers...less need to be said about the movie,after that went to TGI Friday.Koolz ordered this mud pie and he forgot to bring his cam so I snapped it for him instead.

Yoghurt Fruit Cake Slice

Few days later,my mom's friend ordered half of a Yoghurt Fruit Cake,hence I get to eat some...I never get tired of it...

Yin Tung Move House

Again,a few days later again,helped Yin Tung to move house. Spent the whole day moving his stuff...BANYAK BERAT k!

Yin Tung's dirty nails

After that,his parents belanja us to Fish & Co. ... See Tungz's nails... eww...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Days in the National Service Program#2 : Kembara Halangan #2

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Fizikal

Kembara Halangan continued...

Kembara Halangan

I don't know what is this called but it is quite similar to those round tunnels in the kids playground.

Tomboy Teacher

This is the Heli Ladder I think. The model is the tomboy coach of the camp.

Kembara Halangan Heli Ladder
(pic taken from another blog)

From this pic,I found out that the trainees climb up the wall and walk down whereas in my camp,we are asked to go the opposite direction which is climb the slope and jump down from the wall...

Kembara Halangan Graduated Balanced Walk
(pic taken from another blog)

This Graduated Balance Walk is left out in my camp because the equipments are spoiled so I didn't try this but it looks like its no big deal.

Kembara Halangan Crawl the wire

Crawling through these wires didn't make me sweat as it was higher than expected...don't really have to be that low to cross it,I guess that's because the National Service ala Malaysia is not meant to be military conscript if not our head will kena tembak by the enemies....

Kembara Halangan Tembok 12 kaki

At last the 12 foot wall,the one I like the most.The one that most likely I won't get to do it again in other places. At first I thought WTF,spiderman meh?How to cross then the coaches taught us to bekerjasama(co-operate).Wirawati don't have to cross this wall.

Kembara Halangan Bekerjasama

Without co-operation,don't think you climb over it unless you're as tall as Yao Ming and can jump as high as Lebron James.

Kembara Halangan Gambar

At last,a group picture with some of my mates!

I know you guys just can't wait for the Firearms training and Horror stories post...

Stay tune for more episodes!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Days in the National Service Program#1 : Kembara Halangan #1

Here comes the 1st episode of My Days in the National Service Program!

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Fizikal

Kembara Halangan - Obstacle Courses part 1

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

NS Fact: Like the military,there are four main companies(some have more).

,Bravo,Charlie and Delta.

I'm in Kompeni Bravo(Bravo Company).

According to wikipedia, An obstacle course is a series of challenging physical obstacles an individual or team must navigate usually while being timed. Obstacles courses can include running, climbing, jumping, crawling and balancing elements with the aim of testing endurance; sometimes a course involves mental tests.

(no pics of me crossing the obstacles,only me taking pictures of my friends)
Kembara Halangan-pagar 3 kaki

Pagar tiga kaki, the 3 foot fence(not 3 legs ok!)
-"sup sup sui" I passed it so easily

Kembara Halangan Tembok enam kaki

Tembok enam kaki, the 6 foot wall
- I crossed with ease again...but I was really suprised that some of the wira find it very difficult,wirawati can have partners assisting them to cross this but wira have to do it alone...
(in some camps,wirawati don't have to do this at all)

NS fact:Trainees are called Wira(for boys) and Wirawati(for girls)

So I'm a wira! haha I'm a Hero...

Kembara Halangan Monkey Bar

The Monkey Bars...
- Sad to say but I have to admit that I fell into the water the first time I tried the monkey bars,mainly because it rained before we went into the jungle so the bars are wet and I couldn't grip the bars as well as I should but the 2nd time I got passed it without a problem.

Camp fact: Usually the Kembara Halangan in other camps are on the ground,hence it is easier.In certain camps like mine,the equipments are installed in the jungle up the hills but its cooler and more adventurous.

Kembara Halangan-The Tarzan Swing

The Tarzan Swing
- This is fun...OH-E-O E-O!

Kembara Halangan To be continued....

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Days in the National Service Program : Intro

Ladies and gentlemen,I'm finally putting one step forward towards blogging about my days in the Program Latihan Khidmat Negara(PLKN) also known as the National Service Program(NS).

The reason for not updating about my days in NS is mainly because I had to think how should I blog about it,should it be in chronological order(of course must be logical) or should I follow by events or by module categorizing.

I feel incredibly guilty if someone comes up to me and ask me whether I'm going to blog about it or not or when will I finally do something about it... So here's the intro:

I am going to blog about it according to the modules.

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Fizikal

1) PLKN - Modul Fizikal

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Pembinaan Karakter

2) PLKN - Modul Pembinaan Karakter

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Kenegaraan

3) PLKN - Modul Kenegaraan

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Modul Khidmat Komuniti

4) PLKN - Khidmat Komuniti


5) Others....

Without further ado, I shall give you guys a preview of the 1st episode:

He looks like Yoda

His face,his skull,his height... Yoda-a-like

Tell me I'm not the only one that thinks he looks like Yoda?

Coming soon...
1st episode
Kembara Halangan
(Obstacle Courses)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Aunt's Wedding Anniversary

Vietnamese Spring Roll

24th of June is my aunt's wedding anniversary. Earlier that day,I followed my dad to his friend's house and they made some homemade Vietnamese Spring Roll. It's really good and on top of all its Healthy!

The Menu

We had dinner at the Evergreen Laurel Hotel.

Wine & Champagne

My Grandparents

My grandparents...they are both >70 ok! this pic is not edited...just resized and captioned.I love them!They are in pretty good shape!

Raspberry Cheese Cake

This raspberry cheese cake is from Secret Recipe.Not very nice...too much gelatin.I guess that is the result of having too much homemade cakes...

Happy Anniversary

Alan and Mimi Ness

Snooker Action

My uncle in action. He used to be a Division 1 Player in the English Snooker League...