Saturday, January 27, 2007

Penang Bloggers Meet

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YaY! Finally there's a Penang Bloggers Meet, Please view this page for details! I'm going!

The Penang Bloggers' Meeting Central - Bloggers Meet will be held on the 25th of Feb 2007 at E-Gate Starbucks!

Date: 25th of February 2007 (Sunday)

Venue: E-Gate Starbucks

Time: 11.30 a.m.

Attire: Black or White + Red too!(since its CNY)
(note:Black or White doesn't mean you have to wear the same colour from top to toe,as long as your shirt/blouse/dress or whatsoever is predominantly black or predominantly white)

This Bloggers meet is open to all bloggers! Yeah and I mean all Bloggers!

You just need to have a BLOG! Don't care which server you're using,as long as its a BLOG!

Don't worry if you're not a Penangite or you're a foreigner, you just need to be in Penang at that time!

Main Objectives:

1.Unite Penang bloggers and form a bloggers community.
2.To form friendships.
3.To allow Penang bloggers to share their thoughts and perceptions

Those who are interested please leave your name together with your blog URL in the comments section or just send an email that includes the requirements above to

The Growing Attendance List:

01. LogicYuan

02. Koolz

03. Nicholas aka Jigsawme

04. Hobart Lim

05. Peter & Gladys

06. Tungz

07. Emily

08. HolyBoy27

09. Hong Wei

10. Erlynda

11. Theng

12. Minny

13. Joosing

14. Samantha

15. Derek Ooi

16. Matrianklw

17. Mich

18. Kiumo

19. Brenda

20. Puteri

21. kuE

22. YBY

23. Chee Hsien

24. Kah Peng

25. Warren Tan

26. alcheong

27. Cedric Ang

28. Cheng Soon

29. Calvyn

30. Christinayy

31. Timothy Tiah

32. Lie Yuen

33. Jayelle

34. CY

35. Mae

36. 5X Mom

37. PC

38. Nalini Claudine

39. Angeline

40. JuzMich

41. jlshyang


aL said...

Hi there. thanks for dropping by my blog. i've added u in my msn list. so maybe u can tell me more about the meet in there?

see ya around =)

Anonymous said...

did u let Chee Aun from ( know bout this ? He's the guy kinda into those bloggers gathering. I know he attend one or some bloggers meet b4.

Anonymous said...

lol it's me again, mayb you should try to check out those bloggers from just for your guide. btw i help u posted at already, go there and take a look :)

lucia said...

hi. you wrote to me via my blog feedback. i try to email to you but it was returned. anyway this is what i wrote:

thanks but no thanks. i see most of the bloggers are teenagers and very young people. i'm way past that age.

btw, are you the organiser? was it you or someone else mentioned this is the first penang bloggers meet? FYI, i had been organising many bloggers meet before, and before me, there were 1 or 2 too, so this coming one on 25 feb should not be consider the first lah. i had been to think 5 or 6 bloggers meet before.

take a look here:

have fun anyway at the blog meet.


kljs said...

I agree with Lucia here...... I am also way high up on the age list...... :)

Had been in a few Penang Bloggers meet before this one........

don't know about the "generation gap".........

anyway, my blog is @

LogicYuan said...

It wasn't me..

I did not mention that this is the first or whatsoever...

Anonymous said...

aiks...kljs n lucia, y say young ppls pulak ? den i oso old leh ? zzz...haha i oso dunno....i oso not young, kenot go adi :P keke

Anonymous said...

walao... you guys... age isn't an issue la... young,middle aged or old or whatsoever,we all have our own special qualities.. just come n have fun!

kljs said...

Lucia pointed out a "generation gap" situation..... I wonder how will it turn out?

this "generation gap" thing is not going to go away, and it will crop up........

Not that I am saying that it is going to happen........ but when old people and young people meet, there is bound to be some "gap" that will happen.......

don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that old people and young people can't meet and discuss stuff/play/whatever together, it's just that, us "old" people have this stigma that younger people have their own way of thinking, as do use "older" people.......
if not done correctly, it might just spoil the mood of the gathering.....

it's just my opinion though....

LogicYuan said...


i get what you mean but would u gonna be like a control freak? i mean if the seniors don't lecture the young punks then it won't be a prob..

CY said...

I actually didn't realize the age issue until I read the comments -_-"

Age shouldn't be an issue lah. Heck, even colour of skin doesn't matter. See there on the poster it says "Black or white"! Lol.

nuclear said...

hey~ happy chinese new year to all~!!! seems like everyone is havin fun huh..good good..eheh..^^

well, em, actually i wanna inform guys dat me and erlynda at cant make it to the bloggers meetin this comin sunday due to transportation cuz we r stayin at da mainland and its hard for us to get a transport since its a family car. sorry ya~

hope u guys will enjoy urself ther ^^

cHrIstInA_YY said...

CY said...

Yo, count me in!

Anonymous said...

Hie..:) I am Jolene and since I'm in Sungai Petani, I might as well drop by. Actually Brenda( dragged me along.

My blog is
I'm bringing another friend Lie Yuen,

Boss Stewie/Timothy - is coming too..

Sorry for the late confirmation.

LogicYuan said...

no probz!

samantha w said...

hey jiyuan,i'm so sorie but i cant make it tmrw.coz my parents wil b driving me bk to johor tmrw morn.