Monday, December 31, 2007

Kajang Sate

Right after my exams, Kuok Siong fetched Mech,Wenni,Reeve and I to Kajang for some Sate..reminds me of GunBound's A SATE... In penang we spell it as Satay.

hj samuri Kajang Sate

HJ SAMURI the famous Sate Kajang... I've been to the old one. This is the newer building.

sate kajang

kajang sate

We ordered Daging,Ayam,Kambing,Arnab,Rusa,Ikan...

Ikan sucks big time!!! This Kajang Sate is kind of inconsistent...sometimes good,sometimes sucks..
kajang satay

Some deco...

Kajang Sate is very good when they perform well.. The meat is thick and succulent and the price is reasonable.. Not like in Penang,the meat is so thin.... The kuah is quite good but nothing fancy...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Preview for posts...

Haven't updated for almost a week...a lot happened...

These are coming up:

Stay tune..

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cooking Pasta & Loving Tomatoes!

Made these a few days ago. Nothing fancy.

LogicYuan Pasta

This is the Classic sauce with some minced pork.

Pasta LogicYuan

This is the Carbonara with some Chicken,Pork and Broccoli.

Cherry SunGold Tomatoes

I'm loving this! It's so sweet! These are real good TOMATOES!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Iona,Midvalley,the Gardens

(sorry,the pics in this post are kinda blur..)

Last Thursday, I went to Midvalley to meet up with a friend of mine from Sabah.

Iona and I

Got there kinda late due to the heavy rain over here in Bukit Jalil that restrained me from walking to the LRT Station. Walked under the rain with The Sun newspaper to shelter my head...

Madam Kwan's Nasi Lemak

Initially I couldn't recognise her, but as she walked closer, I start to recall. We went to Madam Kwan for lunch. Spent most of the time catching up about stuff instead of eating...haha

After that she went back to join her sisters and friends and I'm suppose to go home since i had nothing else to do then suddenly I thought that since I travelled to Mid Valley I might as well do something. Went to GSC to watch I AM LEGEND.

I love Chung Ling

Used my Chung Ling High School Library Card. The attendant at the counter was a kid and he "perli" me.

Attendant: Student Sekolah ah?
LogicYuan: Yeah.(with a confident and "I'm not scared of you" face)
Attendant: Oh...(with a disbelieved expression)
LogicYuan: [stares at him with a "you cannot do a thing" look]

Its kinda fun when other people are paying RM12 for the tickets and I'm paying way less. Gotta make use of this privilege before I grow old.

The movie was 7.5/10 for me.

The Link to the Garden

After that I wanted to have a look at the KEBUN...(the Gardens)

Didn't how to access to it hence I called Reeve. He told me to go to the entrance near Oh Sushi.

Had to walk around the link since its still under construction. The see through concept looks cool.

The Gardens

Here I am. Don't compare it to Pavilion! lol because..see below

Pavilion inside the gardens

Really swt...

toilet in the gardens
Walked pass the washroom...and saw this... OMG Tandas dalam kebun...

Luxury washrooms at the Gardens

See? They are trying to follow the concept of the Harrods meh? Btw in Harrods its 1.60 pounds to enter the Harrods Luxury Washrooms.

top floor of the gardens

Top floor of the "Kebun".

Terrible finishing of the ceiling

Sorry but I can't help it. Spotted all these defects... Really lousy finishing... I heard they were in a hurry to open to compete with Pavilion. Obviously they lost..

touchscreen directory

The only cool thing about this mall is their directory. It's touchscreen function is what I always wanted to see in malls. Choose the shop that you want and they will indicate its location and your current location on the map! I forgot about the sofas..there are some huge sofas on the ground floor so you can rest when your legs are tired...the sofas are big and comfy.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Back with more Pavilion - Part 2

Unagi Lunchbox

Was kind of tired of presentations,assignments and drama last week. My classmates and I went to Nippon Tei in Times Square to have our lunch since we had a 5 hour break. Tried this RM28++ Unagi Lunchbox. It tastes not bad but the price is too expensive.

Ichiban Boshi

Few days later, Derek and I went to Pavilion's Ichiban Boshi for dinner because I was craving for some Unagi again...

Una Jyu

It was just RM21.90++ for this Una Jyu! Way more worth it than in Nippon Tei!!!

Beef Soba

Derek ordered this Beef Soba which was not bad. I tried a small piece of the beef. The seasoning was okay but a little bit too peppery.

Street Performers in Bukit Bintang

On the way back, we spotted this group of street performers again. They have this reggae hairstyle and don't look like Malaysians. I suspect they might be trying to travel around the world and earn their way through performing.

No Civic Consciousness

At last, I went to Sungei Wang's Gian to grab some groceries and spotted this...haiz...

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Back with more Pavilion

Christmas Pavilion

Hola! Wow..I didn't update my blog for almost 2 months. Since my previous post was about Pavilion, I decided that it would be nice that the post to continue my blogging habit to be about Pavilion also. I'm starting to love this mall! Look at the X'mas decoration...

THX Pavilion GSC

Went to watch The Golden Compass at GSC Pavilion. Saw this cool place and asked derek to pose at the "T". Cool huh? I guess many bloggers wouldn't miss this opportunity when they come here... The sound system there is awesome, especially when those Polar Bears roar! haha

The Golden Compass Merchandise

Got myself a golden compass too.. I can see the truth

More posts coming up! Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pavilion part 2

Once entered into the building...I was impressed by the guys can see for yourself...

And there was a fashion show going on...didn't take any pictures of the models because there were guys with huge DSLRs with gigantic lenses that brought the self esteem of my K800i six foot under...(the models weren't hot)

There were a lot of boutiques,a lot of anchor tenants...huge chains and designer name it they got it... Somehow I liked the three huge lines of the addidas shop so I took a picture of it...

However,when I was glancing through my pictures,I made a dumb discovery...

Orang ni memang muka tembok.....

To be continued...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Last Saturday's outing

Karaoke Session at Neway

Went for karaoke session at Neway,Berjaya Times Square with Shi Wen and two of her friends...

The place is nice and they have wireless microphones but only TWO...not enough

Got charged RM22++,was quite okay with the price since its a saturday afternoon but when I went in and sat they have a notice telling you that they will bring tit bits and charge RM9++ for each plate..but its kinda normal but I still think its a con that is widely practiced by karaoke joints.

Shi Wen and Friend

Shi Wen's voice is good and has similarities with Stephanie Sun, if she brushes up her vocal skills a little bit,she might the next Malaysian Idol?

I sang the usual songs that I like very much and enjoyed it but also sang a few songs that I'm not too familiar with and did quite bad...haha off tune banyak in those songs hehe...


After that its Pavilion time...for guys that are not in KL, Pavilion is a new mall in Bukit Bintang and its pretty awesome..

To Be Continued....

Monday, September 17, 2007

The measures taken to obtain connection

My housemate onlining at the window..risking the laptop falling from the 16th floor...

I did that for quite a while...but I chose a more precautious way...

ON TOP OF THE WASHING MACHINE!!! haha.. cool huh and I really need to endorse TOP to wash your clothes...its damn good!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Sneak Peak

Hey guys,I'm coming back to penang this thursday night.. so I will work on my updates when I'm home where I have a PC with photoshop with internet connection.

(The lab in APIIT has only Adobe Photoshop 5.5,just imagine...)



Stay tune for updates...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I kena tagged by Jess Sophia

I would like to encourage you guys to tag me now because I'm having a hard time uploading my pics for updates as I don't have a pc here in Bukit Jalil and the only time I can update my blog is when I'm in APIIT.So please leave a message in my cbox if you tagged me.The bandwidth cannot sustain so many users at the campus hence is quite slow and its a nuisance to edit or caption the pics with the college's PC.

Jess Sophia tagged me. Here it is...

1. What was the last thing you did that you pleased your parents?
Can't believe I'm actually taking quite a long time to figure this out and I can't find any definite events about pleasing them,maybe Mother's Day or my examination results?

2. Do you keep long nails?
No,I keep them neat.

3. What makes you start blogging?
Seeing other people blogging and it made me want to present things to other people.

4. Blog hopping is good or bad?
Good if you really try to pay some effort about the content but just to attract traffic,I think its annoying.

5. How long you take to bath?
Depends when.Usually 20 minutes+.If I indulge myself in the bathroom means very very long including napping in the bath tub.

6. Whose blog you viewed before doing this tag?
Jess Sophia

7. What motivates you to go out for the outdoors the most?

8. How long is your average SMS length?
Usually 2 sentences.I tend to make the SMS longer if its suppose to be short by adding some 'courtest' words like please,thank you etc since we pay the same amount for 1 SMS.

9. What you use your email for?
Registering online accounts and communicating obviously?

10. What is your favourite snack?
I don't really snack that much.Definitely not sweet stuff.

11. What movie that you think that is worth for your money this year?
All the ones Mon-Fri before 6pm with Student

12. What would you look for when you wake up early in the morning?
Turning off my HP alarm!

I tag Derek,Lawlen and Sasha.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm in Bukit Jalil

I'm currently typing this post in the UCTI/APIIT lab.

Woah,I don't have a laptop here and there's no internet connection in the apartment I'm staying in.

I will bring some cable to the lab to upload some photos in the next few days so that I can still update my blog for you guys!

Today is the second day of orientation and basically its quite boring because they are constantly briefing the students about those 'blah blah' stuff that you need to know and don't need to know as well.

The food over here,I don't really wanna describe it and I'm wondering how long will I stay in KL before I get back to Penang to enjoy some CHEAP & GOOD food!!!

I'm not in the mood to blog without pictures so see you guys soon!~

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Days in the National Service Program#3 : Handphone thefts

These are the common phones used in my NS camp. Everybody is afraid of getting their cell phone's stolen so we bring these so called "handset" that doesn't have a colour screen.

Many cases happened in the camp and it is really hard to catch the thief or should I say that the coaches do not wish to go through the hassle to catch the thief.So please beware of your own phone.In my camp,we are asked to submit our phones and it will only be returned on weekends and then taken back again when the week ends. So there is only a 2 days time frame for the thieves to take action. Unless you do not wish to submit your phone and you hide it from the coaches then you risk it being stolen.

These are my dorm-mates. No kes kecurian among ourselves. The one with the earphone very the 'yeong sui'...he commited crime before,but he dare not 'kamlan' with me since we are dorm-mates lol

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sushi Groove

2 weeks ago,went down to KL to settle the accomodations for my further studies together with derek.By the way,I'm moving down this monday! We went to 1-utama to makan dinner with some blogger friends!

Sushi Groove

The cutlery and decor is nice there.

Yakiniku Bibimbap

I ordered a Yakiniku Bibimbap. The food was so so,nothing real great. They don't have a sushi belt,so you don't get to see ur sushi before u order them....and its not cheap(for the sushi but for the sets,the price is reasonable).

I took only 2 pics which are above this text.Below are pics taken with pOp's Sony A-100.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Stephen Lim

ban cute smashpop

smashpOp ban







when pOp wanted to photograph me, I tried to stick out my tongue but before I managed to stick my tongue out,he already took it... end up like this..LOL


and Derek...

Notice that everyone sitting on my side has a sort of glow around us,not photoshop effect k! the lights behind caused it.

The sushi groove concept is to have you to sit with strangers...but i know both persons sitting beside me...LOL

btw the service sucks! I had to panggil them non-stop to get them to refill my tea.Abang pOp keep lifting his cup to signal them but they acted as if he's invisible...

At last a group picture...the waiter tak tahu focus before snap one wor...that's y blur..sienz