Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Four Guys and A Table


Few days ago, Yin Tung asked me out to chill out a bit... He came to my house to give me a lift for supper and on the way to McD Green Lane we saw this car with the 'WULAN' sign... really WU(no)-LAN(d*ck)???

McD Midnight Groupie

From this I see a future potential that this clique will be chatting together in a pub with jugs of beer? We did the guy talk where we talk about problems,women and entertainment lo...

Masyarakat Berbilang Bangsa

We were sitting opposite of the hand washing area so I snapped these pics... 'Ambil Gambar Sempena Hari Merdeka' lolx...

Damn Smelly Fart! know what? I left our seat for a desperate FART!!! xD and Tung left his seat to make a phone call... Sorry lo... I told them I was going to FART and I left and this Tung still go towards my direction? haha

Chun Hoong McD ad

Took this pic of Chun Hoong posing... McD want him to be your ambassador? Hehe xD

Friday, August 25, 2006

5SB4 Steamboat Gathering at FLAME

On a hot and humid Tuesday afternoon, my classmates and I went to FLAME restaurant. Its a steamboat restaurant where actor Zhen Hao Nan is one of the owners.

The buffet menu is quite long but there's nothing really exciting about it...

Before the soup gets hot,its time for us to snap snap snap*

OMG this things tend to happen in steamboat restaurants...pieces of food dropping into drinks...

Lots to catch up after missing out on KAPSIAOing for a few days... and guess what? Chuin Yee passed his motor liscence...we lost count how many times he failed he 7 second bridge thingy...

Danny's story telling session...

Chan Wei's pose for the day... so full!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Futsal at IPL

Went to play some futsal at IPL yesterday. Larry invited me this time and Chan Wei warned me not to wear normal sports shoes because the ground material is artificial grass and not rubberised. And for you guys to know my boots is worned off so I had to dig my 5 year old boots out for this time...

My classic black Adidas football boots...

We played with against Larry's friends that studies in KDU currently if I've not mistaken. They were great, they had a steady goalkeeper that looks like 'ah Lye' lolx and by obsering their passing and ball control, we can see that they're very seasoned. The end score was 8-6...hooray we won! haha! We looked scrappy all the way but we managed to seal our oppurtunities with our long ball ability...


Chan Wei got hurt on his knee too but this pic is a bit fake...lolx

I enjoyed,my friends enjoyed and its my readers turn to enjoy...
Pose a bit for u guys la...

The light behind makes the pic looks so... heaven like?

With LogicYuan's shooting power,the keeper had no chance...
(bragging pula...but my shooting power quite strong ler foy my height..haha)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Electricity went off....

My neighbourhood blacked out just now... Damn... I was so hot until I couldn't sleep,I tried sleeping naked but still I feel warm... in the end I thought of getting into the car the chill out and I end up driving to McDonalds Green Lane... Bought a Beef & Egg Burger and went on to call Chun Hoong and asked him out for a drink. He was on the phone with a girl discussing about their date I assume but he agreed and we went to 7 Eleven for Slurpee...Chat Chat Chat then read some mags in the store and observing the customers... saw some guy buying candles... so I drove him home after a while and when I reach home... oh my dear lamp is lit... woohoo... can sleep d!

signing off! ciao~!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mommy's Yoghurt Cake

Mommy's Yoghurt Cake

My mom made a wonderful yoghurt cake! I think this is the fourth time she made this. The first time she made it,she dropped it and her friend splashed into tears witnessing such a lovely cake wasted just like that. I managed to have a taste of it the 2nd time she made it and it was really great.She made one few days ago but most of them are given to her friends.Today she made it again... so she asked me to take some pictures of it lo...

It takes her 6 hours to make it so if you can pay RM100 for one cake then maybe n *MAYBE* I can persuade her to make for you! haha

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Camgigoloing although in unhealthy state?

Sheng Yan and me smiling like that xD so you can see he's quite alright already la!

Sheng Yan and Tzyy Yang.This Sheng Yan still 'perli' Tzyy Yang abt *** *** even he's on his hospital bed... lol

CamGigs!Camwhores!take Take Take! don't stop taking pics!

HAHA! Simon got fired by uhm Mrs. because of a little misunderstanding...


Ghee Hann is here for you!

Cross hands pose!

OSY with head shaky!(no offence) Chuin Yee diper-suansia0-kan like mad and their stupid mouth curse him like mad....haha

Taking care of this giant baby! lolz!

Visited Sheng Yan !

My friend since 7/1/1996 which is Ong Sheng Yan faced a road accident at Dato Keramat on the way to fetch his gf home from school. He was going straight and a Perodua Kembara made a illegal U-turn without even giving any signal and he ran straight into it... sad...

Since he's the only friend of mine that attended my 7th birthday, how can I not visit him while he's in trouble and pain?

This is the first time I entered Island Hospital and guess what? The reception looks like a hotel lobby, this place is known for its high charges...

To be continued with FRIEND FRIEND pics....

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lunch at Brazil 68

Just had a heavy lunch at Brazil 68 which was formerly 68 Kelawei but now turned into a Brazillian restaurant...

Animated expressions? forgot what they were chatting about...haha

Went there with my family and the Capes ...

Its actually a BBQ buffet where they lay the appetiser and the desserts at a corner and then they bring the meat to you with a skewer(like above) and slice it for you!

A candid shot ! BLUEKS !

My face is

Cuty bro again!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

SLURPEE ! hair sucks!(i didn't bathe that whole day - haha evil grin!)

Its the 3rd time I had Slurpee at 7 Eleven this week and I'm already captioning my pic with the term " slurpee addict"...

Its nice to enjoy a Slurpee during a hot day...

SLURPEE anyone? xD

Mom walked pass me and nagged me by asking: "Still don't wanna study ar?"
It made me furious...why always ask me to study?damn it man! I studied from 10am-2pm and followed by tuition from 2pm-4pm and 5.15pm-7.45pm
What more she wants? If she keeps doing this,it will only worsen my situation...very emotionally disturbing...

nth much to say again...signing off...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lacking updates... Blogging mood : Down

Kind of liked this pic I took last year, it really portrays something meaningful...
It was taken with Lawlen's PENTAX Optio S40... Didn't have my own cam back then.. LOL

I'm currently feeling like the pic above... I just feel a bit lost here and there...

I don't know what to do... A bit gila d...

But don't worry, I won't neglect you guys! updates is a must...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

My Bro bathed my dog for me

See my cute younger brother of mine? He's 13 years old... but he still has that chubby cute look!

I admit I abused my elder-bro-authority and asked him to help me do stuffs...

I asked him to bathe my doggie - Dino for me...
(don't envy too much xD)

But this time things are different.. My butt is aching as I worked too hard on my volley during my tennis drills on Friday...

Louis Horna volleying against Gael Monfils

See this dude bending so low, so now you know it requires some BUTT-STRENGTH to do that...

I can hardly bend hurts...

CLHS Discipline Board Annual Dinner 2006

Chung Ling High School Discipline Board Annual Dinner 2006

Yesterday night was the Chung Ling High School Discipline Board Annual Dinner...

Actually I thought it should be 'Disciplinary Board'?

The good side was I had some fun with my friends and taking pics...

But I wasn't too happy at the end... However, I'll still make my readers happy right?
Groupie with 3 discipline teachers
These 3 LADY discipline teacher...haha ferociousness increases from left to right...

Trying to act pro? xD
Trying to act PRO ?

Andre and I

Andre and I ....

More pics coming your way after I gather all the pics from all the other CLHS bloggers...

Stay Tune !

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bowling at Penang Bowl

Went bowling last Saturday, dragged until one whole week only decided to post it up because tonight's the Disciplinary Board Annual Dinner so many more pics are coming your way tomorrow!

Yeah! I managed to get only 2 strikes in a row in the second game we played as I almost get a 'turkey'(means 3 strikes in a row)....

ARGH ! left one pin !

Haha...asked my friends to step into the lanes to take pics...

Managed to take some groupies before we left!

After that we went to Chowrasta market to take our brunch and guess what? My friend Larry parked like nobody's business? He passed quite a long time ago you know? I can park a Land Rover, he cannot park this car? (LOL lunsi xD)

Me n the parking attendant guided him indoor n outdoor...still its like this...haihz

OK dog needs to poop...tata