Friday, June 23, 2006

I won the smashpOp PIMPS YOU challenge !

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Below is my acceptance speech that I posted in smashpOp's comments section :

Its my turn for my so called *speech*

ChengSim ( the runner up ) asked me to join in the fun.

Thank You everyone. First of all,I would like to say thank you to my mom n dad that brought me up to be a healthy human being and provide internet connection so that I would have the opportunity to blog despite threatening me to cut it off sometimes.

Next to all the friends that helped me PIMP over here that includes certain friends from my ISM nothern region champion teammates Melvin Goh,Cho Wei Yuan(Neo) n Lawlen, and also my classmate that sits beside me in class Ghee Hong(terran) and a Hong Kong friend of mine Heithen (quokes).Not to be neglected is ChengSim that PIMPed a few times for me.Every PIMP counts although I think I won by quite a big margine. You all contributed towards this.

Since given the oppurtunity, I'm delighted to express my love to my blog readers that have been supporting my humble blog(only an accumulated approx. 9k visitors) since April 2005 which is quite sad actually.

Last but not least, tons of appreciations to Mr.Jason Goh a.k.a smashpOp that created the opportunity for me to show my passion towards blogging and supporting your creative and interesting blog. This PIMPing contest increased my blog's traffic in the huge blogosphere. I also knew some friends through the organised event... One of them is ChengSim... If there wasn't a PIMPing contest over here, we wouldn't have each other's contact and share our thoughts about blogging. And I'm still patiently awaiting for my prizes especially the header which I have been craving for months and somemore its from the creative hands of smashpOp.

Thank You ! Thank You ! Thank You ! and Thank You ! everyone...

Just drop by my blog if you're free at

You guys are also welcomed to add me in MSN messenger at


Go visit he's a great blogger ! He takes great pics !


Cheng Sim said...

HAHAHA. you sounded TOTALLY overjoyed! teehee. Miss Runner Up wanna say CONGRATS LOR for making this far. hey hey, i've already got my banner and badge! when are you gonna post up yours?

Annachuu said...

Congrats! ^^ Nice "speech" *snorts* You sound overjoyed lol

day-dreamer said...

