Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Emotionally inbalanced teachers......

There are some teachers that I heard that are really mad in my school or rather some were.

A teacher that likes to bloat and tell stories in my school called Mr.Y told us the story about the legendary "THAM".
THAM is a teacher when Mr.Y was studying in the same school. THAM is the notorious ''PINCHER". He punishes students by pinching their TESTICLES......

Around the same period of time, another teacher that has gone crazy did something during assembly.I am not sure about his name. I just know it from a ex-student of my school, he told me that a teacher just took off his own pants in front of everybody during assembly.........

The next one will be a teacher that punishes his students and if you can take it he REWARDS you. If you have any wrongdoings, he will punish you by asking you to put both of ur hands up to shoulder height and he'll weigh some books or boxes of chalks on it, if you can stay up for 15 minutes or 30 minutes(i'm not pretty sure), he will not give you any demerit or caning,for bonus he takes out his wallet and pays you RM50.....

Now to the main point of this topic...about the pic...
This teacher i shall call him TT punishes his students by sending them to the centre of all classes- the clock tower. He dislikes it when students do not stand up properly or do not concentrate during class, he will remember who did what and then dress them up as "benggali"(punjabi) with the turban on their head and because punjabis are famous for being guards because of their size,the "victim" is asked to hold a broom as a subsitute for a gun. Making fun of the student and crush their self esteem is the way he mentally tortures(maybe my words are a little harsh) his students. All the classes can easily have a good view at the "victim" as it is located at the central of the school buildings.


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