Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Back From NS

Hello guys,finally I've ended my National Service Training...

Lots a things to tell n blog...

Rest first.. will update you guys!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

L4wr: Really old stuff

I can't find this video anywhere in this blog. Not even in the archives.
So I thought to put it on here. lol.

First attempt on visual effects.
Everyone looked so young.
Did it sometime during May 2005 at Chien Yee's house. When EP3 came out.
Ignore the *hehehehehe's* from the cameraman =P

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

L4wr: LogicYuan NS Updates

Hey guys, sorry for the late posting. Been very busy with school =P

Here are all the photos of his NS life he sent me.

LogicYuan with his brother Logic, behind his father's car.
Going to balik kampung I guess.

LogicYuan with NS comrades. They sure look similiar...

His bed at the encampment.
The boxes, I think you put things in it. Rite?

This is a straw house. Made of high flameable materials.
Easy to dispose when dunwan use.

The modern sampan.
Can only take 2 person.
If terhempas, I think you need swift reflexes to get your legs out of those holes.

That's all for today. Enjoy =)