Saturday, January 27, 2007

Penang Bloggers Meet

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YaY! Finally there's a Penang Bloggers Meet, Please view this page for details! I'm going!

The Penang Bloggers' Meeting Central - Bloggers Meet will be held on the 25th of Feb 2007 at E-Gate Starbucks!

Date: 25th of February 2007 (Sunday)

Venue: E-Gate Starbucks

Time: 11.30 a.m.

Attire: Black or White + Red too!(since its CNY)
(note:Black or White doesn't mean you have to wear the same colour from top to toe,as long as your shirt/blouse/dress or whatsoever is predominantly black or predominantly white)

This Bloggers meet is open to all bloggers! Yeah and I mean all Bloggers!

You just need to have a BLOG! Don't care which server you're using,as long as its a BLOG!

Don't worry if you're not a Penangite or you're a foreigner, you just need to be in Penang at that time!

Main Objectives:

1.Unite Penang bloggers and form a bloggers community.
2.To form friendships.
3.To allow Penang bloggers to share their thoughts and perceptions

Those who are interested please leave your name together with your blog URL in the comments section or just send an email that includes the requirements above to

The Growing Attendance List:

01. LogicYuan

02. Koolz

03. Nicholas aka Jigsawme

04. Hobart Lim

05. Peter & Gladys

06. Tungz

07. Emily

08. HolyBoy27

09. Hong Wei

10. Erlynda

11. Theng

12. Minny

13. Joosing

14. Samantha

15. Derek Ooi

16. Matrianklw

17. Mich

18. Kiumo

19. Brenda

20. Puteri

21. kuE

22. YBY

23. Chee Hsien

24. Kah Peng

25. Warren Tan

26. alcheong

27. Cedric Ang

28. Cheng Soon

29. Calvyn

30. Christinayy

31. Timothy Tiah

32. Lie Yuen

33. Jayelle

34. CY

35. Mae

36. 5X Mom

37. PC

38. Nalini Claudine

39. Angeline

40. JuzMich

41. jlshyang

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Flashback: CLHS Graduation Ceremony 2006

In class

The CLHS Grad Ceremony 2006 was on the 3rd of November 2006. We gathered in class around 7+ am...

Eat and Play

While other classes(like the highest pic in the pic on top) makan makan n enjoy, my classmates' hands got itchy and its time for a bit of BlackJack!(Gambling in school pulak..xD)

Down Memory Lane

Me n one of my best friends... Chan Wei

Retro Groupie

I asked them to look at different directions when we took this pic haha... and it turned out like this lo...

Chun Yang,Danny and Logic

Chun Yang aka High Libido, Danny aka Mr.Penang, Ji Yuan aka Logic

A Bunch of Crazy Monkeys

We Jumped and Jumped and Jumped like a bunch of monkeys...
They were cool GRAD JUMPS! inspired by smashpOp

Don't Shoot

Teong Phei posing with Chan Wei...

Kaki Bola

My Kaki Bola Friends! Yi Qiao,Chan Wei,Larry n ME!

grown taller

Grown Taller? Nothing more that I can say...


Here comes Groupies...Yippie!

Class Groupie

Took this Groupie when we lined up to go to the hall for the grad ceremony,that was the last time for some of us to actually line up and go to the hall in a group...

15 20 45

Haha... Everyone knows the BIG SHOTS give boring speeches....we played the classic 十五;二十(15;20) but with 9 persons playing at the same time we had to sum up till 45...

It's party time!

2 dudes sneaked out of the hall to buy us food,if i've not mistaken its Sheng Yan n Beng Yaw(or maybe Hun Pin also...paiseh i forgot)

pics X3


what is he doing

Tzyy Zhun at the back don't know doing what? stim stim there... haha..

Note: I'm really happy that I finally updated my blog... its 10.44 pm and my dad is asking me to sleep early and be healthy... I'm just glad... signing off.. ciao~!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Flashback: Dim Sum gathering before SPM

A few days before our first SPM paper, we planned to ponteng sekolah(skip school) to have Dim Sum together. We planned to go to Maxim Dim Sum at Taman Pekaka but unfortunately it wasn't open for business on that particular day, hence Kenny brought us to this Dim Sum place at Bayan Baru that serves Dim Sum that tastes...(see below for further details)
Marilah Makan!

Come Come Come! Eat! Eat! Eat!

Story Telling Time

Kok Hung telling his grandma old tales haha xD....

Dim Sum Tasting

Nothing More Than I Can Say..?

Boleh Makan lah!!

He says still can eat lah...

Take 1 Take 2

"The Bermuda Triangle"? No lar...we just sit near to each other in class in a triangular dimension.

Black n White Groupie

They really didn't 'pakat'... 3 white 3 black...

Are they big or am I small?

Haha...Kok Hung looks so small in between Danny and Sheng Yan

Dim Sum Tower

a stacked up tower...

Siao Groupie

It was fun... Hooray! Miss the great moments during my schooling days...