Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Meme - A-Z

Cedric Ang Thay Kor tagged me!!!

A for Age : 17, Seventeen, Tujuh Belas!

B for Booze of Choice : erm...Margarita? my favourite cocktail

C for Career : Now not confirmed 30 years time F & B or IT Tycoon?

D for you most Dreaded : Nobody visit my blog in a day other than myself...

E for essential items you use everyday : Toilet bowl?need to pangsai every morning...

F for Favourite song of the moment : Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant + Drew Barrymore(the demo version la)

G for favourite Game : Terminator(not the Arnold one,a handphone word game)

H for Hometown : well the origin of my ancestors is in Foshan,Guangdong,China but my lovely mommy gave birth to me in the Penang Adventist Hospital!

I for Indulgence : Penang Hawker Food!

J for favourite flavour of juice : Ampala without sooi-bui

K for Koo Kien Keat : The AngMo commentator call him Koo Kien KID(wahlao eh) I admire his badminton skills la!Menang All-England!

L for Last Hug by anyone : Can't remember?I think my AngMo friend hugged me when she came back last year?I rarely hug boster everyday let me hug got la...

M for Mother : I love her!

N for Name of your crush : no crush now gf n no target also... sad la

O for Orgasms : Hanya dapat dari DIY.. still virgin la k!

P for Phobias : don't really have any,if wanna force something out from my kacui,its Height lo...but everybody also get a bit scared when they are looking out from tall places don't they?

Q for Quote : my quote constantly changing one... last time was YeeYee,Bagus, now don't have ler

R for biggest Regret : wacked one of the important people in my growing process(i was hurt deeply in my heart that time,but now i regret that action)

S for Status,married or single : Single and very very available!!!(that's y ppl think i'm gay,how can ji yuan have no gf till now?) I am STRAIGHT! I need a girl friend !!!

T for Time you wake up : Schooling - 6 a.m. , Working + take bas kilang - 6 a.m. , Working + driving - 7.30 a.m. , Nothing to do/Holidays - 10 a.m. (average)

U for Underwear : usually AE brand lo,sometimes Byford and lots of 3 for RM10 from the market

V for Vegetable you love : erm.. it depends on the way of preparation but i seriously do not like ginger

W for Worst habit : do things last minute(now not so bad d la...)

X for X movies I've watched : many ler...lost count( pls don't learn this from abang Logic!ur mommy will kill me)

Y for Yummy food you make : Stir Fried Beef?(learnt from recipe book)I seriously love beef!!!

Z for Zodiac sign : Lunar - Snake, Star Horoscope - Taurus(lee hom n shakespeare oso taurus ler)

My turn to Tag 5 people yeah! LIMA orang! :

1. Lawlen

2. Annabelle

3. Hui Wen

4. Teddy

5. CY

Lawlen: Guest Blogger #3


Hey everyone, it's me L4wr (or Lawlen if Logicyuan prefers =.=). I'll be one of his guest blogger for the time being while he go enjoy his life. See ya guys around.

Ciao =P

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rames : Guest Blogger #2

Hello! and I'm Rames in charge of blogging for Ji Yuan when is away to serve the country lol :)