Sunday, August 06, 2006

CLHS Discipline Board Annual Dinner 2006

Chung Ling High School Discipline Board Annual Dinner 2006

Yesterday night was the Chung Ling High School Discipline Board Annual Dinner...

Actually I thought it should be 'Disciplinary Board'?

The good side was I had some fun with my friends and taking pics...

But I wasn't too happy at the end... However, I'll still make my readers happy right?
Groupie with 3 discipline teachers
These 3 LADY discipline teacher...haha ferociousness increases from left to right...

Trying to act pro? xD
Trying to act PRO ?

Andre and I

Andre and I ....

More pics coming your way after I gather all the pics from all the other CLHS bloggers...

Stay Tune !

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bowling at Penang Bowl

Went bowling last Saturday, dragged until one whole week only decided to post it up because tonight's the Disciplinary Board Annual Dinner so many more pics are coming your way tomorrow!

Yeah! I managed to get only 2 strikes in a row in the second game we played as I almost get a 'turkey'(means 3 strikes in a row)....

ARGH ! left one pin !

Haha...asked my friends to step into the lanes to take pics...

Managed to take some groupies before we left!

After that we went to Chowrasta market to take our brunch and guess what? My friend Larry parked like nobody's business? He passed quite a long time ago you know? I can park a Land Rover, he cannot park this car? (LOL lunsi xD)

Me n the parking attendant guided him indoor n outdoor...still its like this...haihz

OK dog needs to poop...tata

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I shouldn't have drove that Land Rover

Group Pic in Mel's room

Last Saturday(29th July) night after tuition, I fetched
Lawlen,Tung and Chien Yee to Mel's house. We took this LOL pic before we took off.

Driving Land Rover

As a hot blooded teenager, I took the risk of driving his parent's Land Rover to fetch them for dinner... It wasn't a rational decision... what if something unpleasant happen? then it'll me be me d-day because my name isn't in that car's insurance scheme... but I did it...

The 3 dudes

These 3 dudes at the backseat was afraid! OMG, for heaven's sake I'm a liscensed driver and I handle cars safely... Some people may think teenagers will speed when they get into a group...vroom... but not me ok? I follow the speed limit...

Parked at e-Gate

See? I told you? I parked this monstrous baby rover easily!

Mel grabbed some wedges

I ordered Burintos and Mel's taxed my potato wedges...

Group Pic at Bequardo

We asked the waitress that took our order to help us snap a pic with Lawlen's Sony Cybershot T30... And he always kena red eye..... tak tahu why?

Doraemon Tung

This pocket dish is called doraemon. I didn't know why they have a serving called doraemon until I saw the pocket and thought of the "BAHK BOU DOI"(pocket of hundred treasures) of doraemon where he gets all his gadgets from...

Had a lot of ups and downs recently...

LogicYuan signing off...