Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ashuminator Salvation

the_curious_case_of_ashutosh dwivedi

After yesterday's update on The Curious Case of Ashutosh Dwivedi, I shall update on Ashuminator Salvation.

Ashuminator Salvation poster

Ashu went through the surgery safe and sound.

ashuminator 523

Once we arrived, we went to Room 523.

ashuminator salvation

ashuminator salvation group pic

The hospital food was bland so we brought Ashu Naan bread from Taj Curry House.

ashuminator having naan with dhal

Ashu went through uretheroscopy first where they insert the equipment into his urethra looking for the kidney stones,break them and flush them out. After that its J stenting which is the placement of a stent used to dilate the ureter and allow stones that may have got stuck in the ureter to pass. That will stay in his body for approximately 3 weeks and he will have to go back to the hospital to remove it.

Image source.

The above image is an example of how it looks inside his body when the scope goes into his body. The yellow object is the kidney stone. It will then be broken down into smaller pieces by a drill like object at the front.

ashuminator stones

These are the broken bits of the kidney stones from Ashu's body.

the nurse treating ashuminator

The nurse coming to check his blood pressure and body temperature again. According to Ashuminator, he has been asked 21 times about his allergies and explaining the same thing to them every single time is tiring. This is due to the fact that there are many student nurse in Subang Jaya Medical Centre and they rotate a lot to have more practice but can't they just check from his file or something?

sami parvez

Sami from Malawi was all fascinated by the modern facilities in the ward.

ashuminator disinfectant

At last we disinfected our hands before we left. Ashuminator will be discharged before 12pm the next day. Wish him well!


SamEye said...

Lol! Ashuminator!!... very cool report. BTW are those exploding kidneys in on the poster.

Navindran said...

koooooooolll.. Ashu.. We wish you

Ashutosh Dwivedi said...

OMG my whole story is here .... now i know how come my phone inbox full so fast ........ BTW THANK YOU all guys for ur help n support n for ur wishes .i really appreciate it .... i back to home now have to see doctor 1 more time then it will be ok ......... Really Thank You all CHEERS

Anonymous said...

get well! =)