Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blind Man and Sending off my Alpha

Blind Man Painting
Picture source:

Last Tuesday, I took the KTM to Midvalley. I spotted a blind man waiting for the train. He was an old Malay man. His eye lids were sunken because he had no eye balls. This is not the first time I've seen blind people taking the train. I like to observe my surroundings. When the train came into sight, everybody else stood up and waited in front of the yellow line with their eyes on the train. I tried to listen to the train instead of looking so that I can understand more about what's going on in the blind man's mind. I could hear the train coming from far and I bet he could hear it better than I do, I turned my vision towards his direction and saw that he didn't move like the other people. A blind man is patient enough. As the train gets nearer, everybody looked like they couldn't wait to board the train and he stood up immediately after the brakes of the train made a squeaky sound. I saw everyone trying to board the train and figured he could use some help, so I held his left arm and guided him into the train without having him to bump onto anyone. I felt contented after doing this good deed. So I'm here sharing it with you people.

(Pictures in this post are taken by my handphone camera K800i)
Yoshinoya Chicken and Salmon Bowl

Once I arrived in Midvalley, I was so hungry so I thought of fast food because I really needed food fast. I didn't want to have any McD or KFC or Burger King, so I thought of Yoshinoya since I haven't tried it before. I ordered the Chicken and Salmon set and sadly to say I was a little disappointed because the Salmon is deep fried. I expected it to be grilled. The rice was not warm enough for me. The vegetable tasted quite bad. But I was very hungry so I walloped the whole thing.

Sony DSLR A100 Sony Center

Next,I went to Sony Customer Service Center at Northpoint Midvalley. Its a satellite buidling of Midvalley Megamall. I was there to send my Sony Alpha for repair. The lense failed me right before Dance2Nista. It couldn't focus and it sends out a loud mechanical sound like its jammed.

Designer Durians Jusco

After that, I dropped by Jusco in Midvalley to shop for some goods and spotted this RM50 durian... WTF? Apparently they are from famous trees...


Anonymous said...

Your story brings back some bittersweet memories for me...I use to take the bus to the jetty then the ferry across to get to work, at the bus station there was this Malay couple both blind, and like you, I helped them daily and soon became my friends. Each day they held my arm as we go across to the ferry and coming home each afternoon I would make sure they get on the right bus when it arrived. They soon introduce me to more of their blind friends and I even attended a party held by them, a group of blind people all living in the same house, was quite an interesting experience....

Haha I was abt to comment on the fried part, really sucks, coz then the salmon becomes so dry when deep fried, i prefer teriyaki grilled salmon or raw of course.

LOL RM50 durians, I once had an $80 one and it was of course totally wasted on my indiscriminate taste buds..... :P

Anonymous said...

I am very proud of you for helping the blind man. and glad your camera is repaired!

Anonymous said...

I am glad u helped that man :D but then again I am not surprised that you would do such an act of kindness.

Anonymous said...

when you mentioned about the people who can't wait to board the train, it reminds me of sg liao..hehe sg always like that too. till govt have to promote train etiquette and draw pocket lines where to wait.

glad you helped the man. i'd do the same too but there was one experience where i helped a young blind man from from the train station to the mall he wanted to the end of it, he asked for some money, ( i gave him but it raised my curiousity over why he did that) so i trailed him and realised that he was blind all right but was commuting from train to mall to train for the 3 hours i was around and at the end of it he always asked for money... i was speechless. i didn't knwo how to deal with situations like that so i let it be cos he also smart and creative.

i dont like yoshinoya none of their food. and oh the durians, sg durians always pack like that one..heheh it cos about anything from various price from $20, $15, $10 or even 3 for $10 when they want to clear. about 4 or 5 seeds in a box. i go for clearance sale mostly. hehehe

LogicYuan said...

Firehorse>wow..that must be a great experience... the food wasn't good at all... erm..I only eat durians in my father's friends plantations

SamiHutan> :) and fyi my camera has been repaired but I haven't been able to collect it, I'm waiting for them to verify the warranty of my camera

KopiSoh>Thanks for being sure of my kindness xD

constance>that sure were you? He used his disability to gain money..hmm..if it was the first time,I will give him 1 bucks..2nd time I would direct him to social services..the food wasn't good at all,i probably won't visit Yoshinoya anymore...

few days later i went there again n i saw the priced down the same durians...but i never buy those,i only eat durians at plantations,freshly picked up from the grown and opened on the spot..sorry,i'm

Unknown said...

wow...surprisingly....still got some kind person in
well, I did help alot...but I do encounterred that, they really dont want my help... :( but lucky, he was safe ;)

well, not all yoshinoya food is bad there still some are no doubt the one you ate is bad....

wah....rm50 durian!!! siao...

how your cam?? got it back already?

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

being a good deed boy to help the blind **thumbs up***

by the way, my little cousin brother is also enjoying durian nowadys... He bought his in SS2 (PJ Area)...

Hmmm... How much will it cost to repair the DLSR camera... I'm thinking to get one DLSR camera and enjoy more fun of photography...

LogicYuan said...

Nkw@i>how did they refuse your help?I never asked them whether he wants my help or not,I just grab his arm..going to get back soon

amuyo tomoko>Thanks...erm..the repair cost of my lense is RM166 but it is still under warranty so no need to pay...go buy a DSLR la..or Prosumer also can

Unknown said...

I did as what a normal person would do if they encounter this sort of situation. I grab his hand and said I guiding you to cross the road but he just throw my hand away....dont let me grab his hand nay more lol..

Alvin Lee said...

JiYuan , i heard that u took all thse by K800I ? wat a good skill =.= , g me A900 i also take "sai" photo come out

emilayusof said...

you're such a good boy, keep it up, Ji Yuan!

-waiseng- said...

that's a very expensive durian.

Ur so kind ji yuan :)