Sunday, March 23, 2008

Nuffnang Pajama Party

The atmosphere got hot when the spotlight was on these chicks!

DawnYang Nurse Frenchmaid Policewomen

Phew...Don't you guys feel HAWT?

Bad Genes Don't Make it to Nuffnang

How can I not like this banner? It's so provocative and smart!

Kellster and LogicYuan

First time meeting Kellster! She claims that I look different from how I look in my blog. She's not the only one that said that...I don't really know the difference?lol

When everybody was busy fighting for prizes downstairs, I decided to go upstairs to take pictures with chicks! You can't blame me! I'm a hot blooded teenager! LOL

DawnYang LogicYuan XiaXue
(the guy that helped me take this photo, really OMG!)

Haha! Don't envy me!

Envy this Indian dude that bidded for DawnYang to kiss him! This kiss is to die for! LOL

Rames said:"My body nicer than him.", when I told him he missed out about this!

DawnYang kiss Indian


KennySia and the Malaysian Dreamgirls

KennySia was hosting a posing thingy along with the Malaysian Dreamgirl Contestants.

Jaishana Malaysian Dreamgirl

After that, the girls came upstairs and I chatted with Jaishana a bit. I think she's the smartest among the contestants, that's why I chose to talk to her instead of the bimbos. She used to lecture in LimKokWing but she left her job to pursue her dreams in the modeling industry.

Then this Nadia got jealous thinking that Jay was trying to pull some votes from the fans. She stepped up and came into our conversation. Haha!

My reaction was like: "Oh! You're the garang one!".
Nadia: No, I'm not garang at all.
Me: You actually looked quite garang at times, even Elaine made that statement.
Jay: Yeah, because she wore the coloured contact lenses.
Me: Ok! I gotta take a picture with you and you must pose GARANG for me! Haha!

Nadia Malaysian Dreamgirl

Here it is!

LogicYuan and X-tin

My friend Devan wanted to talk to this girl from Singapore but was too chicken, so I had to drag him and pushed him to talk to Her name is Christine.

That pretty much sums up my night at the Pajama Party!


Unknown said...

wow. u talk pictures with all the beautiful girl.

Mischique said...

I really like Nadia..She takes excellent photos. Man Tyra Banks would love her....she always love 'fierce' photos!

LogicYuan said...

brian moh>haha!why not?

mischique>she might like the 'fierce' look but she would say that she is too short for modeling..LOL

Anonymous said...

Your night must have been very short then.. HAHA! And terrible! Tak bawa saya upstairs to cool down my hot blood. Sendiri go and take photos with girls. Hmmph! XD


p.s. Crap, how will i ever take half naked shots looking like this.

Anonymous said...

Walao eh~ so many *syurp syurp* leng lui ler d nite :D

The guy take photo on u really "OMG" lor, lol

Satkuru said...

wahhhh, how'd i wish i was there @_@ lucky you :P

LogicYuan said...

usws>LOL why would u want to take half naked shots?


satkuru>haha :P

Jaishana Logan said...

HI Yuan! Its me Jay. I happen to stumble upon ure post today after soooo long! how are you =)