Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Days in the National Service Program#3 : Handphone thefts

These are the common phones used in my NS camp. Everybody is afraid of getting their cell phone's stolen so we bring these so called "handset" that doesn't have a colour screen.

Many cases happened in the camp and it is really hard to catch the thief or should I say that the coaches do not wish to go through the hassle to catch the thief.So please beware of your own phone.In my camp,we are asked to submit our phones and it will only be returned on weekends and then taken back again when the week ends. So there is only a 2 days time frame for the thieves to take action. Unless you do not wish to submit your phone and you hide it from the coaches then you risk it being stolen.

These are my dorm-mates. No kes kecurian among ourselves. The one with the earphone very the 'yeong sui'...he commited crime before,but he dare not 'kamlan' with me since we are dorm-mates lol


miChi3 said... for me,
our commander didn't request us to submit the hp..
anyway, did u lost anything in the camp?

LogicYuan said...

mich>different camp different one. but the reception is bad at my camp.Digi sucks,bluff ppl say widest network coverage.Celcom is the best and Maxis oso got line.

I think i lost some small things la...sure got lose things one.I lost a marker pen n somethings that i can't recall now...

hwen said...

I see lots of Nokias, haha! And yeah, your dorm-mate with the ear-plugs thingy look scary... Maybe it's the shaved head that made him look scarier...

LogicYuan said...

he has some scars on his face because of fights,he is scary but he is scared of the timbalan komanden is very 'fren' with me..haha

Mischique said...

Hey Ji Yuan, I just realized that when you guys have a buzz cut, you all look almost the same..hehe