When I didn't update my blog, I was so bored and had nothing good to do. It was then I started to dig my mom's fridge and try to figure out what to mess with. I actually did something good out of it...I made this:
I don't know what to name it... I'll leave that to you guys... haha
lucy: thank god... thought u lost or somethimng
- god says you're welcome... I'm not lost in reality!I was lost in the online world,I'm too OUT,I'm behind all the online trend after living away from civilization for a few months hehe...
huifang: jia you !jia you!
saMantha: jiayou orh!~
- xie xie! xie xie!
Chee Hsien: O_o
- o_O ?
nicholas: yo man! where r u now
- I'm in penang lor...
erlynda: NEW HEADER!!!! hahaha!
Ying Tian: interesting header! heee hee. jiayou!
Natalie: Nice header there!
matrianklw: and i can see the new header for the blog! awesome, man!
- yeah! yeah! I'm very happy with it!
Koolz: Waa...yr black n white pic, looks like u have turned to the "Dark Side" ...
- erm...I'm just sorry,I'm not evil yet and plus the Darth Vader in me says:"I am NOT your father..." muahahaha
Holyboy27: hello logic! =D ur back!
BenjiPapa: welcome back wor..haha...
Peter: nice to see you back in action.
- YES YES YES! I'm Back! yahoooo!
ps: hu~~ new header... ya went dragonboat race or not? our schooll got 7 medals..keng
- yeah! they were great,tak join dan tak tengok pun...wanted to join la but they had too many rowers and they trained for months so I don't want to interrupt la...
matrianklw: oh, i noe how it feels feeling sori for not updating the blog! go go jia yu!
- It's all deep down in a blogger's heart... thanks for understanding...
Alex: Bouncing...here there...
- Boink Boink~!?
Infectioner: welcome back si botak
Infectioner: welcome back si botak
- No need to say 2 times gua? plus:
haha just for laughs....
pinksterz: oooh! spot a new header there! ^^ n why so long no update? bz with what? O.o
- obviously busy with nothing,that's why i apologized for not updating..didn't u see the post before this?
Tungz: Hey, you did that header yourself? wicked!!!!
- erm.. not to say all by myself,with some help from Derek, he drew the star thingy for me and some other stuff, but I really cracked my head doing it... just refer to the photos below then you'll know how gruesome...(just exaggerating) haha
grace: hey (; logicyuan?
- hey hey hey!
Tungz: Blogz updated!!! Yours too!!!
- sudah baca ur latest post! way to go!
nampak macam sangat sedap..
but is it really nice to eat?
its not sangat sedap la
not till the extent of SANGAT
but not bad...
I can cook alright! haha
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