Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Penang Bloggers Meet appeared in R.A.G.E.

The Penang Bloggers Meet was published in the R.A.G.E.(a 'the star' pullout for local colleges and universities). I was quite excited when emily told me about it.

But after I read it, I was quite disappointed about the fact that many important things was left out(including 5Xmom,nuffnang,my name as the organiser,emily's pic etc).

It's not that I'm vain or I want to show off or I want so much credit as the organiser of the meet.It's just that I would be more than glad to have my name published in there after drying up hours,days,weeks and months of my life digging for Penang Blogs and inviting them.

I said some bad things to emily through MSN and I feel terrible sorry about that! sorry emily!I wanted the e-mail of the so called Phui Yee...[Phui Yee? I PHUI PHUI PHUI(spitting)] and emily couldn't give it to me.I just wanted to ask WHY??? I also requested emily to ask WHY so many important things were left out and the answer she got for me was "thats so Called not revealing too much".

I've encountered this kind of thingy many many times,last time when I won the Dragon Boat Race,I was so happy and proud about it.During the school assembly after the race,I was the emcee for the prize giving session.When I saw the winners list,I couldn't find my name and I was pissed off but I didn't add my name in...I just asked myself,how can they do this to me...I took my medal later from my captain and questioned him and the leaders all went "tai-chi"(pushing and blaming each other).Later on my friend submitted many group pictures at the race to the teacher in charge for the school quarterly newsletter and they chose one without me..(that's the price to pay for being the cameraman!)

- The Star

Then,later on,the star metro reported on the dragon boat race and only until that time we knew that we won by 14.13 seconds which was the largest lead of the competition and they posted the pictures of Chung Hwa's team instead of my school Chung Ling High School. The school,a few of my friends and I did called the star and lodged a complain and they said they'll do something about it but till now,i see no sign of apologies or whatsoever.

Misunderstandings and mistakes occur all the time,I really don't know what to say anymore..

Judge the Malaysian Media yourself...


nalini said...

YAYYYYYYY Emily's article's published!

Yuan at least you got your face there.. why only guys one?? no fairrr...

LogicYuan said...

nalini>that's the bright part of it lo! according to emily,she submitted tons of photos but apparently the journalist chose this ONE...

Anonymous said...

not fair la.. like u so.. so many pic sent but choose the 1 widout ur face.. now wat? so many pic, choose ur face but widout our gals' face!!

cHrIstInA_YY said...

=.=" yeah... no girls >.<"

Anonymous said...

lol. editor tends to have a lot of articles to do at once. so he just quickly choose one without looking at some better ones and put d. they have a lot to work on in one day. blame star lack of staff to publish accurately.

ji yuan, just u out of luck laaa.. hahaz. Atleast ISM we're in!

TH said...

I am a captain for a club this year but in my yearly club photo, they accidentally put the captain's name next to someone's else. This is my final year.

You say fair or not?

Don't dwell so much at the 'unfairness' because we know secretly deep down we all did a great job.

Give credit to yourself here lor. I am sure we are all ears to hear about it :)

LogicYuan said...

-pc- : yeah girls...become like only guys blog?

christina_yy : i think they scared girls photos too pretty then nobody want to read content,only look at the photo...

l4wr:don't forget ISM wasn't that cool,they didn't publish our names,just our school name,the reporter somemore said that he will interview melvin later but eventually he tak ada contact pun!

twisted heels:that's sad to hear...but the tulan-ness was just for a short period of time...just ramble...that's one of the reasons why we have a blog

Eve said...

I feel bad for you because they did not give you or any of the "VIP" any credits on the newspaper clipping. But let's think in a more positive way, at least we penang bloggers got some exposure in the media. We dont often get that. Most of the time we got overshadow from the elite bloggers from the KL.

Anyway..just to let you know, i this Phui Yee. She's a senior in my school last time and i have alot of respect for her. If there's anything i can help in this case, maybe i can try to contact her. Just let me know.

LogicYuan said...

eve>well...the article is already out and its no longer that important,i'm just rambling in my blog,that's all.. forget about it

CY said...

I agree that many important facts were overlooked. There is no reason to "not reveal too much" as allegedly said by the author.

Despite our photo there, I feel this article did not do justice to the great blogmeet you organized.

Keep on blogging! :)