Wednesday, July 26, 2006

These 2 weeks had been BAD for me...


I escaped a small demerit last week because of sleeping in class...that day was the first day of the arrival of the terrible haze ! I was tired and my respiratory system was disturbed by the hazy conditions... then came the Fizik (physics) period... argh...before the teacher came in, more than 5 persons were sleeping in class... she came in without asking us to wake up... we continued sleeping and in the end she wrote the code 012 which is the offence code for sleeping in class in the buku pemantauan...
and we went like argh.....damn it...n sleep again...since we 'paid' so we might as well 'use' it...
3 out of 5 of use planned to skip school next day and went to see a doctor that day to get a medical certificate to prove that we were really sick(n we were really sick!)
the next day,we stayed at home n another day we went to school n went to see the notorious discipline teacher,here's a stupid case my friend encountered with her. we got to know that the two that didn't try to follow our plans confirmed themselves a small demerit each... after much negotiation we decided to bring it back to the physics teacher... it was very humiliating for me to go beg that teacher with a freaking revolting attitude... but in life...we have to act n we have to forget about our honour survive in this world...we have to do whatever it mood to talk abt this case liao...let u all know the end result can d.....we wrote a appology letter with the signatures of our parents n settle d...

next case....the same day my SD card n reader got confiscated...n u know what? it was all for the school ! damn it man! i brought it for the graduation magazine video production and editing... I want to go out this saturday to Penang Bowl for some bowling with my classmates...(asked the whole class to go) still thinking of ways of transport and whether my mom will disallow or not...argh!

and so many people died ! A clhs 2005 graduate died in a road accident...he was ran over by a cement lorry, click here for further details. My mom's friend's father in law passed away. A free school student's dad was hit by a lorry after passing some documents to his son in the happened in front of the school at the cheeseman road junction... that daddy always drives his taxi but suddenly that day he borrowed his neighbour's motorcycle...i heard that the sixth form student even blame her kid! wah....i duno wat to say... its nature taking its course isn't it? i personally think its faith la.....heard that person is in great shock now!

then the bees flying around me....weee......the bees sound buzzing around me about a flower....wah.. somemore tell me about another bee from another bee hive also trying to get to the flower... hoooah... (this paragraph...some of my friends will understand.)

signing out......Logica !

ei ! one more fantasy premier league at ok !?


こうゆうけん said...

All not a good news wor... I don't really know what to say, but hope everything will be alright soon!

Chill man! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I think you teacher did the correct things. You did things wrongly, and you deserve the punishment.

Stop defending yourself about the argument "oh, I was sleeping, there were 5 others sleeping and the teacher didn't wake you all up". Don't you realise that you HAVE THE MORAL OBLIGATION to keep awake during lessons as students? I don't see how haze make you sleepy, anyway. There is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that supports how haze directly affects the alertness of people.


LogicYuan said...

thanks for the honest comments...


i deserve the punishment but i escaped it...

just requires a lil of acting n sell a bit fo your 'facey'