Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ruumz,Spirit and Orange

Sorry people for not updating for so long, I was actually working on a new template but the CSS codes confused the hell out of me. For now I do not want to wait till I change into the new template before posting,so here you go!

Went to Ruumz.com's blogger sharing session in PJ yesterday. A new portal for Malaysians!Nice ideas!

Ruumz blogger sharing sessionGroup Photo! Look at David(second from left)! Official introduced each other with Amanda(the one beside me).I wonder what was Vanes trying to do. Josh,I didn't know you get red so fast..LOL Check out the rest of the photos in facebook.

Just came back from Advertlet's Spirit Screening.

The Red,Black and White graphics are really sexy but the jokes were pretty lame.

Met Missy Cheerio for the 1st time!

I just like the colour-orange because I feel happy looking at orange!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

A list of short thoughts

I was brought up in a middle income family and I didn't have many luxury indulgences other than food but the bottom line is that my parents provided me a comfortable life. I do see people living in poverty as I used to walk to low cost flat areas myself to explore but I never quite see what were the sacrifices that the people have to make behind the scenes. Most of my closer friends are wealthy and never really face any huge problems in their everyday life. As I grow up, I see more and I listen to more. I learn about other people's experiences. Like instance I have a friend that married a man because her family needed financial help and end up with a person that she doesn't love romantically for life. Another friend of mine, her dad loves the family so much but he has a very very bad habit, which is to gamble, I guess I don't have to elaborate what gambling can do to a family. I think I will stop here.

I watched "Chak De India" the other day. Its an Indian film starred by Shahrukh Khan(Yes that dude that Malaysia wants to give Datukship to!). The story was nothing great,predictable just like all the other inspirational sports movies. Just in case you do not know,its about a women's hockey team in India that is being looked down and then in the end wins. I don't mind watching inspirational sports film that are not too interesting in their plot because I love sports and the sporting spirit never fails to touch me. The thing I like most about the film is it reflects the cultural and ethnic differences in India itself. I bet many of you think Indians are just Indians,what's the difference? There are actually lots of parts of India that have people that look different and speak different languages. We all know the hot North Indians from the Hindi movies and also the Tamilians that are the majority of the Indians in Malaysia, of course I cannot miss out the Punjabis that usually are minorities in many countries but they are everywhere but of course you cannot compare them to Chinese people. Chinese are everywhere! There also people in India that looks like East Asians with small eyes and petite size. Those live near the Himalaya region. Anyway one nice discovery, I didn' t know Punjabi women are known to be bullies! Haha! No offense k! Just joking! I still think Punjabi women are hot! Don't kill me!

To judge or not to judge?

I can't prevent myself from judging people sometimes, I guess I am human after all.

Some stewardess parked at my parking lot with Victoria's Secret paper bags in the car and also clothes and suitcases scrambled all over the backseat and frontseat. Had the guard to clamp it and I had to park at the lot reserved for the disabled. WTF!

Sami was out in his balcony and someone poured disgusting stuff and it got onto his head. OMG! Mad people! Not to mention I actually tossed expired raw chicken from the 16th floor before but I tossed it far!

No more 孤单的夜晚 for Cho Wei Yuan!

Cho Wei Yuan,my high school friend,was emo for so long for not having a girl friend,even after being the Prom King in his college in UK. Now here you are!

Cho Wei Yuan

Congratulations to Wei Yuan !!!

Joanne Hew Zhi Qiao