Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas for Payatas

The video depicts the harsh conditionthe people has to face everyday. Imagine if you have no money to buy food and your only way to survive is to go to the huge and smelly rubbish dump to dig for food and materials that might be sold to gain a little money. Many people including politicians,entrepreneurs and even footballers like Ray Parlour from Arsenal and Lee Sharpe from Manchester United are contributing to help the poor. Don't just stare at your monitor screen! Do what you can! Hop over to and make a donation!

The landfill in Payatas, The Philippines, is notoriously known the world over as Smoke Mountain. For over 35 years, the smoking dump site has grown to become a stark and heart-tugging reminder of the desperate conditions of humanity.On a daily basis, children pick through newly arrived garbage to collect material to sell. The earnings made by one child are not enough to even buy food for the day. Hence, entire families are forced to climb the mountain each day, hoping to earn enough to feed everyone. Children as young as four years old are forced to work in this daily struggle for survival. 

You can actually forecast whether london will snow on Christmas day and actually win a bet! 30% of the proceeds will go to Christmas for Payatas. You can make your bet by clicking here or click on the image below!

Don't just stare at your monitor! Click on the donation button below and do what you can! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fire in Arena Green

The day before yesterday, there was a fire in Arena Green Apartment, Bukit Jalil. The unit involved was in Block F. I was sleeping at that time because I was so tired from the previous day, I slept from 8pm till 8am. Non of my housemates knew about it until yesterday. I am living 2 apartment blocks away so we had no idea. I actually found out when my classmate AbdulMajed was having a chat with me yesterday morning.

*Credits to Nadya Yuliana for the photos.

Fire in Arena Green

The fire brigade was here for the rescue!

Fire in Bukit Jalil

Apparently many residents came down to watch the fire.

Fire in Bukit Jalil

According to a resident Jerry Ling said that when the fire brigades was trying to pump water into the fire zone, it squirted several times instead. The civilians were laughing their ass off having to witness that hilarious moment.

I guess it hadn't been in use since it was created?

Fire in Arena Green

I've asked a collegemate(Sarah Yulianti) of mine that lives on the same floor. The exact virtual conversation is as follows:

Ji Yuan Loh says:
how was the fire yesterday?
sarah says:
its in front of my house!!
panic shock
Ji Yuan says:
sarah says:
how do u know??
of course
Ji Yuan says:
my classmate told me
n then i asked nadya
she posted the pictures in facebook?
sarah says:
when my friend opn the door,, its full of smoke n people were screamin
Ji Yuan says:
can u tell me the whole situation that you know?
i want to post it on my blog
sarah says:
where were u?
u should took a picture
Ji Yuan says:
i was sleeping
sarah says:
Ji Yuan says:
i slept at 8pm to 8am
sarah says:
some people says it bcz of the water heater
some says electricity
but i think its from the room
Ji Yuan says:
the house was empty?
nobody stays there?
sarah says:
hey gtg

Fire in Arena Green

If any of you have more information on the incident, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail at j_y333[at]

Monday, November 24, 2008


Last Saturday, after the MAPCU Volleyball Competition in Nottingham University in Semenyih, I rushed home to take a bath and fled to Cineleisure immediately to attend the Tribe Toyota Bash. The event is basically a "Give Back to Society" social responsibility project by UMW Toyota.

Dance Performance in Toyota

Josh directed me to the reserved parking and we went in together. There were some dance performance to entertain the crowd.

Toyota VIOS

Had a look at the Toyota Vios which is exactly what I need to commute around town.

Fun Games Nintendo Wii Sports

Event organisers had Nintendo Wii Stations to keep not just the kids occupied but also to allow some adults to indulge in the fun of some Wii Sport.

Toyota Hilux Strongest Man Competition

Here comes a mini version of Toyota Hilux Strongest Man Competition. If I didn't have my camera in hand, I would've jumped onto the stage..LOL

Toyota Hilux Strongest Men Malaysia

The participants from all over the country including one guy from Sabah that came all the way down here with the host Belinda Chee.

Toyota Hilux Uncle Strong Man Tyre

The task was to carry the tyres around the cones and put them on the other side. I seriously think I would've won if I joined. :P

Largest Logo Made of Recyclable Cans Toyota

Here's the climax of the night!
The Biggest Toyota Logo Made of Recyclable Cans made its mark in the Malaysia Book of Records with 22,000 recyclable cans. The gigantic Toyota logo measures over 32 feet in length and 20 feet in height. This broke the record made by students in Damansara Utama in 2005 using 7,512 cans.

Malaysia Book of Records Toyota Largest Logo Made of Recyclable Cans

The Malaysia Book of Records certificate is presented by MBR Offical Ricky Yap tp Mr.Kuah Kock Heng, managing director of UMW Toyota Sdn Bhd.

UMW Toyota Motor Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam Mock Cheque

UMW Toyota never fails to contribute back to the society. This was the cheque presentation to Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam(YAWA). YAWA is a Youth Foundation that instills an appreciation of the environment through environmentally-orientated activities to the youth community.

I grabbed this group picture from Rames. There were other bloggers there which I didn't get to meet, hopefully next time. xD

This pretty much sums up the event, I'm awaiting Uncle Josh to send me the photos of me doing rock climbing over there.

After that, as I was strolling in Cineleisure, I saw this crowd outside of a game shop. I stopped for a while to see what's happening and guess what?! They're jamming with Guitar Hero! Besides the guitar, bass guitar and drum set, they have vocals as well!!! How cool is that? I wish I have a Guitar Hero band! :P

guitar hero jamming bass drums vocal

Check out other people's view of the event: