Saturday, August 12, 2006

SLURPEE ! hair sucks!(i didn't bathe that whole day - haha evil grin!)

Its the 3rd time I had Slurpee at 7 Eleven this week and I'm already captioning my pic with the term " slurpee addict"...

Its nice to enjoy a Slurpee during a hot day...

SLURPEE anyone? xD

Mom walked pass me and nagged me by asking: "Still don't wanna study ar?"
It made me furious...why always ask me to study?damn it man! I studied from 10am-2pm and followed by tuition from 2pm-4pm and 5.15pm-7.45pm
What more she wants? If she keeps doing this,it will only worsen my situation...very emotionally disturbing...

nth much to say again...signing off...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lacking updates... Blogging mood : Down

Kind of liked this pic I took last year, it really portrays something meaningful...
It was taken with Lawlen's PENTAX Optio S40... Didn't have my own cam back then.. LOL

I'm currently feeling like the pic above... I just feel a bit lost here and there...

I don't know what to do... A bit gila d...

But don't worry, I won't neglect you guys! updates is a must...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

My Bro bathed my dog for me

See my cute younger brother of mine? He's 13 years old... but he still has that chubby cute look!

I admit I abused my elder-bro-authority and asked him to help me do stuffs...

I asked him to bathe my doggie - Dino for me...
(don't envy too much xD)

But this time things are different.. My butt is aching as I worked too hard on my volley during my tennis drills on Friday...

Louis Horna volleying against Gael Monfils

See this dude bending so low, so now you know it requires some BUTT-STRENGTH to do that...

I can hardly bend hurts...