Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Totally GAY !!!

Finally i have solved the HTML code problem in my "funky blog".As i said my "funky" blog must have "funky" contents,hence,i created this "gay" picture post.

I must declare that this post is not meant to offend the homosexual beings but only just to entertain my beloved readers.If this offended you in any way,please let me know and i may consider removing it.
Ji Yuan

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I wonder where i can get this product.It's kind of "artistic".

Image hosted by

I really admire the creator of this image,this person really did a great job with the concept and editing.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Under mantainance

Sorry to say that some HTML problems occured in this blog.
It is now under mantainance.
Will get back to public as soon as it is solved.

Ji Yuan