Saturday, May 21, 2005


We are coming to EAT you(bottom from left:Lee Chong,ME and Hong Wei)

The two guys behind is so damn lame......thick-faced.......Sneak into our photo...
Hong Wei promised to buy Nasi Kandar from a shop near his house early in the morning that day , hence he told us to bring our own fork and spoon.
Unfortunately he didn't find out earlier that it is not a 24 hours shop....
Disappointment is all i can say.....but we made a twist out of it instead to cheer everyone up!!

FORKS AND SPOONS UP !!! (feeling a bit hungry now)

Friday, May 20, 2005

Men start competing in synchronized swimming (pic)

Synchronised Swimming

Hundreds of people witnessed an unbelievable show in one of swimming pools in Prague: men were competing in synchronized swimming. Swimmers from four countries - Sweden, Holland, the Czech Republic and France - were making figures of stars in the water, exposing their hairy chests, moving their hairy legs above the water surface, or swinging their backsides. The viewers of the unusual show were amazed with the push-off in splits.

The unconventional competition in Prague became possible owing to the activity of the Czech swimming team. The men in the team perform in striped trunks. Team captain Martin Kopecky prefers not to argue when someone says that his team is one of the weirdest sports teams in the world. The sportsman says, however, that women are allowed to play soccer, compete in weight-lifting and wrestle. The desperate man was not left alone: he organized a team of male supporters, who apparently decided to defend men's sports in the athletic world. Until recently, synchronized swimming competitions among men have been held only at European gay & lesbian games.

"We hope that synchronized swimming among men will be included in the program of the forthcoming Olympic Games," Martin Kopecky said summarizing the water show in Prague. Viewers were joking that men would therefore be soon competing in ribbon gymnastics and men's pair skating.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I finished my CHEM paper in 15 minutes and slept 1hr 45 min

Chemistry-My Weakest Subject

I don't understand what the hell the teacher teaches and i hate chemistry pretty much because i don't like chemicals and mixing them together and explode..........

My own prediction for my chemistry marks this term : <40