Saturday, May 14, 2005

Yesterday was my BIRTHDAY

Happy Birthday To Me

I wasn't too happy on my birthday this year.I didn't feel the celebration atmosphere,it was dull,cold and sad.The exam pressure is greater than any other exams in the past,it is so intense as everybody is going through a phase from lower secondary to higher secondary.

The night before May 13, i didn't even know it was the eve of my birthday.I was living in a world of my own,i still thought that it was still the beggining of the month,until i heard my brother telling my dad that tomorrow is my birthday.

The next morning,my brother walked into my bedroom and wished me happy birthday,at that time i've already forgotten that its May 13th,but i told my brother not to wish me like that but i told him i am happy that he has the thought,i felt awkward and i don't like the feeling as i always think that love between family members doesn't require vocal expressions.

I went to school and some people are shouting around that it is my brithday....
And the CLHS ritual came to their mind, OFF-PANTS on birthdays..............
But i kept calm,i thanked everyone that wished me happy birthday.
At one point my fellow classmates keep shouting to gather ppl to get my pants off but i still sat there and continued what i was doing.They didn't make any move to take my pants off.
I was confident that no one dared to take my shorts off.There were history about ppl getting their shorts off during their birthday but i wasn't afraid.

I am Loh Ji Yuan and i know that they hesitate before they have the thought of taking my shorts off,knowing and respecting me,they don't have the guts to do it.I am proud that i made such an impression in my friends' mind.

It was a raining cats and dogs before school ends but it got lighter around 2pm.I walked to my mom's car as i feel the chill in the air surrounding every inch of my skin.I guess emotions played a part of the chillness i felt.

I don't feel like telling more about the worst birthday i've ever had as it is so near the damn examinations......

Just check this out to know about UNlucky 13-5 :

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Yin Tung Got Chicken Pox...poor guy

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My mom just told me that BALITUNG(check out his blog in the links section) just got chicken pox.........poor thing.

So sad.........check out the post below.....(it's examination period)...

I never got chicken pox before but i feel the pain of fever, chills, nausea and vomiting for this good friend of mine...
I think my dad took me for vaccination when i was smaller.

What are the chances of suffering with chickenpox after vaccination?

Clinical studies of currently available varicella vaccines show they are close to 100% effective and well-tolerated. However, long-term follow-up of vaccines has shown the incidence of a mild breakthrough like syndrome in 1-4% of vaccine recipients.Thanks to modern science you or your children don't have to suffer with chickenpox in the first place.Chickenpox is now preventable through vaccination. Consult your doctor.


He got it from his classmates(stupid classmates shouldn't have came to school).

How can you contract chickenpox?

The virus commonly spreads from person-to-person by air-borne droplets. This occurs when an infected person coughs or sneezes and releases secretions in the surrounding air. It can also spread by direct contact with chickenpox or herpes, since the wet lesions contain infectious fluid. In few cases, it can also occur from an infected pregnant mother to her unborn or newly born child.

For more info check out the source :

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I skipped School !!!!!

That's Why Kids Skip School !!!

First and for most i will have to make an apology to these two persons:
  • Long Fei,Sorry for this,I shouldn't have skipped school,i borrowed your Maths B...
  • Zhi Jian,Sorry for this,I should have returned your physics notes earlier.

I stayed up late last night to finish off Ah Lye's modern maths but i had two periods of Physical Ed. and two tuitions yesterday so i was kind of tired........but i hung on until can't stand it anymore i made a cup of tea to freshen up and i stayed on another half an hour finally.....gave up....i went straight to my bed room and ................watched Paradorn lost so badly to Novak for 15 was wacking all over the world,the amount of unforced error overnumbered the disappointed,Paradorn's tactics wasn't working he wanted to finish every point fast but the match was entertaining as he tries a winner almost everyshot.Then i slept and made some mental preparation for tomorrow's long day about how i use up the time to finish up Ah Lye's homework........slept i woke up and told myself,you shouldn't be going to school today,you are tired,rest....and i told my parents i wanted to study at home as it is-----------(refer to pic)..........