Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Shall i say lucky or unlucky? Posted by Hello

20-year-old female rapist attacks 9-year-old boy.Boy's parents said that the woman made the boy strip and then performed immoral actions on him.A very unusual crime has been recently committed in a small town of the Kemerovo region of Russia. The criminal was a 20-year-old girl. Parents of a nine-year-old boy reported to the police that an unknown woman had approached their little son in the street and took the boy to one of the doorways of an apartment block nearby. Parents said that the woman made the boy strip and then performed immoral actions on him. According to the information from the police administration of the town of Guryevsk, where the crime took place, the little boy was frightened a lot, although he managed to give a detailed description of the criminal. Police officers detained a 20-year-old woman several hours later, with the help of the boy's description. The boy identified the molester, Regnum news agency reports.Read source for more... where the hell were these girls when I was young!?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My poetry

Image of friend's soul
by logic yuan.

Your image in my mind
has been smashed into pieces
by your own soul.
As a friend,
it drives me to put the puzzle back;
never giving up hope;
trying stone hard
and it is all the same shape,
no edges;same colours,
makes it more difficult than anything.
Thy has the power
to create the recognisable edges
and put in colours
for me to help painting the perfect picture....

I wrote this poem to express my feelings about a good friend of mine.I want to help him but he must help himself first.The person knows I'm writting about him and i sincerely hope that he change.

All the best from your friend........

(p.s. I may said some harsh things to him but the intentions are good.I may not practice everything i tell ppl to do but when i comment on a person that means he has gone off my limit.sorry)

Monday, April 18, 2005


Cheesy Mickey Posted by Hello
Since the reception of the first episode was so cool,i've decided to come out with the next