Friday, January 01, 2010


On the last day of 2009, I woke up at 7.00am and did my morning routine. Hesitation was enticing me not to perform what I was about to do later. I didn't want to succumb to the temptation of escaping.

I drove to Taman Free School flats. A force in my heart asked me to just say no as I walked through the stalls in the market with a plastic bag in hand. I kept walking. I saw Ku Ku* sitting at the steps of the middle compound waiting for me as promised. Our appointment was 8.30am and I was on time.

*Ku Ku - In Chinese, it means the sister of your father, your aunt on the paternal side. This Ku Ku is my babysitter. I was under her care from when I was nine months old till I was thirteen.

As I walked towards her, I felt like I needed to pee. At first I thought it was hesitation calling again but I talked sense to myself. Am I going to pee because I am afraid of doing what I'm about to do or I genuinely needed to pee? Should I do it then pee? or Should I go pee first? If I pee now, am I not going to do it? I figured I should just pee and then do it,that will really make me feel more comfortable.

Ku Ku told me to pee in the Kopitiam at the corner lot. She said just go pee there and we'll have our breakfast there later. I was hesitant, I told her I better walk further and go to Medan Selera. She said its not open on Thursdays then I went to the Kopitiam and left the plastic bag with her. There was a lady queuing at the toilet. Once again I wanted to go to Medan Selera but before I made my decision the lady queuing fled so I stayed as it should be vacant soon since there was a person waiting in front of me. I relieved nature's calling and went back to my Ku Ku.

She said she wants to buy a few stuff from Yeong Fo Lou* and she'll reintroduce me to him. She picked a lidi broom and as she paid for it, she asked the boss whether he recognized me, I'm the kid she brought up, he politely said that of course he remembers if she says it.

*Yeong Fo Lou - In Cantonese, it means the guy that sells western goods.

I spoke. I told him when I was still small, I lost my mechanical pencil's cover. I went to his shop and stole the cover of a mechanical pencil to replace mine. I was there to apologize. Ku Ku repeated what I just said to him in her own words. He with his wife beside said its not a big deal, little children are mischievous. I gave him the plastic bag and put on his counter. There was 2 boxes of biscuits from Him Heang together with a white envelope that contained a ten ringgit note. He said he can't finish so many biscuits and wanted to give a box to my Ku Ku, I told him I've given her biscuits too.

He and his wife then shared their experiences on this matter. Many children stole goods from their shop along the years. She said that usually people drop an envelope with a letter and some money in their shop to tell them they stole a pencil box or something. They do not know who they are. I was glad.

Ku Ku and I then moved on for Char Koay Kak.