Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2008 Raya Foodlog @ Penang Day 1

Ladies and Gentlemen...Thanks for coming back to my blog although I haven't been updating for weeks. My lazy nerve got really strong recently, the idea of having a foodlog of my short break back in Penang is a big part of my battle strategy against my laziness.

I arrived on Monday night, it was almost midnight when I set the tires of my dad's car on Penang roads.. No food, just plain H2O.

Day 1 starts on Tuesday!

Penang Chee Cheong Fun

Day 1 Breakfast: Wanted Curry Mee from Island Glades but the hawker was on holiday too, Mom "Da Pao-ed" Chee Cheong Fun with an extra piece of Chai Kuih.

Madras Filtered Coffee

Day 1 Lunch: Madras Filtered Coffee

For lunch, my family and I went to an Indian vegetarian restaurant named Woodlands in Little India.

Mom's Home Cook Food

Day 1 Dinner: Mom's Home Cooked Bah Kut Teh!!!

Sequenced clockwise from top left: Fried Four Angled Beans(Kacang Botol) and Eggplant with Sambal, Mustard Greens(Chai Sim) with Oyster Sauce, Mama's Bah Kut Teh and last but not least Yew Char Kuey.

Is your gastric doing the drumroll****?

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Save and Invest Malaysia

Earlier today, I submitted a few money saving tips to http://www.saveandinvest.my/. It's a project powered by CIMB Bank.

Saving and Investment Tips for Malaysians by Malaysians

Their tagline is "Saving and Investment Tips for Malaysians by Malaysians" which I kinda like.

They will be giving out One Year Broadband Connection for free by Celcom for chosen users that submit the best tips around town, so why not give it a try?

As a student, I have a habit of saving money in every aspect in my life except for food(xD can't help it). So basically I just have to register and tell people how I do it and also learn from other people on the site.

tips for saving electricity

This is the 1st tip that I shared. Basically I try to charge my laptop and handphone in college to save on my apartment's electricity bill.

tips for saving petrol electricity and water

The 2nd tip I shared is about going to fitness centers. If you have fitness incorporated into your lifestyle then pick a gym that is near to your workplace so that you can go there after work and avoid the rush hour traffic jam that is gonna consume a lot of petrol. Take your heavenly hot shower at the fitness center so that you can save on your water bill and also electricity for the heater.

So just go submit your tips at SaveandInvest.my!!! To stand a chance to win free broadband for one year!

APIIT Multicultural Night 2008 - Part 2

APIIT Multicultural Night View 2008

Look at the beautiful night view of APIIT Multicultural Night 2008!

Foxer Kids Foxer Kid dance crew

A Hip-hop dance performance by the Foxer Kids of APIIT.

Chinese Traditional Music

A Chinese traditional instrument played a lovely student from China. This reminds me of my high school days of being in a Chinese Orchestra. Its actually interesting to see her using the wristband to hold the microphone.

Sami Parvez LogicYuan Desiree Chow

Here comes a lucky draw session. You can finally spot me in this photo!

Here comes the highlight of the night!

APIIT Business Lecturers Crossdressing

APIIT & UCTI Business Lecturers showed another side of themselves in the cross-dressing parade.

APIIT Business Lecturers Crossdressing

Now don't tell me the lectures are boring! For those that didn't attend the APIIT Multicultural Night, I can just say this:"You missed a lot!!!"

Hot APIIT Business Lecturers
(check out the bush above the "chest-ticles"..LOL)

As business lecturers, they sure know what people mean by Sex Sells!

Suresh Akzhelen Suan Javad

Happy people at the Multicultural Night.

Serpent Ash Heavy Metal APIIT

The performances ended with a Heavy Metal band performance by a band called Serpent Ash.

Wondering where are the APIIT fashion models? Stay tuned...its coming soon...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

APIIT Multicultural Night 2008 - Part 1

Wohooo!!!!!!!!! LogicYuan is finally updating his blog! Are you feeling excited? No? At least I am!

The APIIT Multicultural Night 2008 was brought to you by APIIT StudentArc on 22nd August 2008.

APIIT MultiCultural Night Day View Decoration

The view of APIIT foyer before dusk. (Basically it ain't Multicultural Night yet)

I'm sorry for not being able to have a full coverage of the event as I wasn't on Photographer mode but my setting was tuned to the Group Performance mode.

APIIT Botswanian Performance

The Botswanians' poetic and musical performance.

APIIT Indonesian Traditional Dance

An Indonesian Traditional Dance performed by 2 Dinda's.

Ilona Fernades Belly dance

A very sexy Belly dancing influenced exotic dance by Ilona Fernandes.

The Masai Warriors of APIIT

The Masai Warriors(East African Culture) of APIIT.

Anita Premila Paul

Next comes the "Getaran Jiwa" duet by Anita and Jerry.

Jerry Chong

The students' craze - Jerry Chong.

Iranian Musical Performance APIIT

The Iranian Musical Performance by Arash(Persian Drum) and Ashkan(Violin).

African Fusion Dance

Here comes the energetic African Fusion Dance by people from the same continent.


APIIT Multicultural Night 2008 part 2 - coming soon...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sneak Peak: MCN 2008

MCN 2008 Sneak Peak

Sorry for the long absence... next update will be up very shortly!