Sunday, September 24, 2006

A weekend of mixed emotions....

I went to Sushi King with my mom and her friend,Fei on Saturday night at e-gate and WTF! the water dispensar used to make the green tea couldn't work due the the weak water pressure that night.We were unhappy and the waitress told us that they told the management about this problem but still no sign of action.It always occur at night,usually 9-10pm but that day 8 sth already low water pressure,WTF!how to enjoy sushi without green tea..damn!

I lodged a complain at :

"I got very unhappy at e-gate sushi king because that outlet couldn't provide tea after 8pm.The waitress claim that the water dispensar couldn't work because of the low water pressure.They claim that they complained this to the higher authorities but till now no action was shown.I believe you could send people to investigate this issue because its very hard to enjoy sushi without green tea!Other than that,more workers is needed in that outlet during peak hours to satisfy the customers need as the service promptness greatly drops during lunch and dinner time."

One thing I enjoyed this weekend is that I felt satisfied during my friday night tennis session...

But... I skipped tennis on sunday morning because....too tired la....

Went for BM tuition just now and the baby girl of the teacher cried sounding very similar to a cat and I just said that sounded like a cat,my friend(teacher's son) got unhappy and told me not to say that in front of his mom(as if I'm making a bad remark-maybe it is to him or some other ppl).The tuition teacher said nevermind but I didn't what she was thinking at that moment.If its really offensive then I'm sorry.I just said what came out straight in my mind,and to me that was a neutral remark.After that I asked myself what's so bad about a cat?Isn't it adorable? Hello?there's a reason why people call their daughters Felicia(it means happy in Latin and a cats scientific name is Felis catus). Moreover I searched wikipedia about cats to see texts about how sacred a cat is. I found this line "cats were sacred"!!!ok!

One interesting thing I didn't know before :
"A group of cats is referred to as a clowder, a male cat is called a tom, and a female is called a queen"

thats how TOM and Jerry came from..(i also searched the mouse
page-result:no Jerry found..hehe)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dad n Bro @ Langkawi coming soon...

Having my SPM trials now so please be patient... Dad n Bro @ Langkawi is coming soon...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Chung Ling High School's creative songs!

We all know how great Chung Ling High School is... Its a symbol of the chinese community in Penang and even the rest of the world... You can check out some stuffs about my school in wikipedia here.

For the past few years, a few *creative* songs of thoughts,opinions,criticism etc has been composed and as a Chung Ling student myself,it gives me mixed feelings,because I feel proud when our student can have the ability to compose so well but in another point of view,they're also spreading the deterioration and the dark side of Chung Ling.I've decided to post it up because I just received another new version and I think we as Chung Ling'ers have nothing to hide... We are brought up in this school,we have to admit our weaknesses and the flaws of this so called *best-school-in-penang*...

You can download the latest R & B songs at this link:

The other older songs:
A mix of both of the above

(if the links won't work,just add me in MSN at and I'll send them to you)

enjoy! for non-clhs readers,pls note that the songs are sang in rojak language which includes Penang Hokkien(most of it),Mandarin and English.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

LogicYuan's Merdeka day (2nd half)

Here comes the 2nd half of my merdeka day... sorry for the late update due to my busy schedule and the busy server of that made it so hard to login my account and upload the pics,so in the end I used photobucket to host the pics instead.

After having my lunch at Subway and bathing Dino, we planned a game of golf in the evening. My family is exactly a foursome and *poof* we head to Bukit Jambul Country Club. Its really rare to have a chance for me to do something meaningful together with my family as a whole other than eating and chatting...

I'm certainly not a seasoned golfer but I did learn how to play and I'm so far a decent player but the main purpose I was there was to live up the family spirit and of course gather materials to BLOG for you!(yeah! you! the one reading!)

LogicYuan on a golf buggy

We rent the buggies this time to pamper my parents from walking.Hey,they deserve it!Give credit to their love and hardship to bring me up!

LogicYuan smilling with a driver

My dad went to grab a snack as he didn't join us during lunch,so its photo snapping time!

LogicYuan's gold pose

My bro a.k.a. LogicXiang was the photographer for these...

LogicXiang chipping
My bro making a approach shot towards the green...He's a Tiger Woods fan!

I didn't want to play too much on the course because of my long absence from golf,so I chose to play whenever my mood tells me to do so... I was just having a pleasant time driving the buggy around and taking photos...

LogicDad teeing off

See LogicDad in action...

OK...I played some shots and decided to try my luck at the 13th hole(played the back 9) because its a PAR 3 hole which means the required score is only 3 shots...the distance between the tee box and the hole is around 110m. If I hit a hole-in-one then I'll get paid some bucks by my golf insurance and have my named listed at club.(Fact:Tiger Woods has 3 hole-in-one's in his life,but some noobs got more than him.One word - LUCK)

LogicYuan reading the green

I used a lady 5 wood(my mom's) to tee off and it landed a bit over the green. I chipped it onto the green accurately as the above...

I was excited to PAR this hole because I seldom play and I rarely go one course...Its gonna be my first PAR in my life(PAR is actually normal for a serious golfer..LOL) I asked my brother to stand-by with the cam .

Ball in the hole

Ahuh! Caught'ya! not *that* BALL in *that* HOLE ok!!!

LogicYuan's 1st PAR in his life


Wonderful view on the course

Managed to get a shot of this magnificent view...

After golfing, we went to the changing room to shower.As I didn't bring change of clothing, I was bored in there so I decided to use the hair cream provided and combed some *ghey* retro hairstyle to add some spice to my day!

Logic Gay Camwhore

Hard to believe I actually did this pic...

LogicXiang's signature emo

Haha... his signature emo with his sun specs...

God of Gamblers style

Changed to Chow Yun Fatt's God of Gamblers hairstyle and wore my bro's sun glasses...

Dino pissing and pooping

Went home and brought my doggie for a walk to settle his business... OMG I photographed him making *IT*...

Kassim Mustafa @ Chulia Street

Went to Kassim Mustafa at Chulia Street because my neighbour Uncle Subra told my dad that they sell goose curry after 10pm, LogicDad thought of giving it a try so off we go!

TV3 chick shooting
When I walked into the shop,I saw this Malay chick shooting the workers working...wait!!! no no no! not that shoot k!you dirty little mind! She's from TV3...The business here is so good that even TV3 wants a piece of it...

LogicXiang bored
We asked about the goose and found out they only sell goose curry on Saturday nights...we ordered other stuffs but because of the roaring business we had to wait for quite a while...

Turkish couple

Time to take some pics while waiting for the food...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The mango lassi here is really original! I mean ORIGINAL k! Fresh Mangoes and Fresh Lassi... but its a bit thick... add a little water then it will be SLURPILICOUS!

Foreigner enjoying life

After I finished my tandoori chicken,I took a shot of this caucasian... see how he's enjoying his life by just eating and doing a crossword puzzle from the Star without spending a fortune...

I think that's all for now... see ya soon!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

LogicYuan's 49th Merdeka Day (1st Half)

As a Malaysian,I did nothing patriotic about our 49th National Day except for blogging about how I lived that day... I slept late and when I woke up it was already lunch time.

Subway at E-Gate

I went to Subway at E-Gate to have my lunch.My brother convinced my mom to bring us there despite Yin Tung had food poisoning after eating there but my brother told my mom that Lawlen had lunch there several times without any illness...

The Queue

The workers weren't too experienced as the shop is still new.A couple lined up before us and the worker attended to us because they are still thinking about what they want and we ordered first so they got a bit pissed off in the end.

A Subway Sandwich

The pricing is a bit high for a piece of 6 inches long sandwich with an average of 10 ringgit... plus the meal is a bit unusual as you have to add RM3.50 to make it a complete meal with Mister Potato chips and a soft drink...

Cute Little Baby

While savouring my delicious and juicy sandwich I observed the behaviour of this cute little kid as my visual entertainment...lolx(can't believe I'm saying it this way)

Brother filling slurpee

My little brother a.k.a LogicXiang requested to have a Slurpee... Looking at his expression: Quote Derek "Nth to say..."

Bathing my dog

After my lunch, I went home and mom mumbled a bit about me leaving my dog without a bathe in 1 week and 4 days(actually my dog needs a bathe once-a-week) according to the veterinarian...

Rubbing Dino with soap

LogicYuan applied DINO's anti-tick shampoo on my dog(also named as Dino)'s coat...

Dino shaking off the water

Dino shaking off the water...

My Sweet Merdeka Showe

After washing up my dog its my turn to cleanse my body...

2nd half coming up... stay tune...