Here comes the anticipated part 2!

Next up is the award presentation ceremony where titles are given to lecturers and staff based on APIITians' votes.

Amongst these people, who will get the titles?
The Ms.Fashionable award goes to.......

Ms. Lua Sharmini!!! I'm sorry Ms.Lua if you're reading this but I had to post this picture, its too "high" not to be kept in my own picture archive.

For those who voted for me, especially my students, you're dead! (Sharmini,2008)
oops, citation pula...Haha!
Mr.Personality goes to........

Mr.Suresh Naidu!!!

Mr.Genius went to.....

Mr. Saw Looi Beng!

Quote Mr.Saw - "It's hard to differentiate a genius and an idiot, as both will tell you something like the answer to 1+1 is not equals to 2."
Binary anyone?
Next up, the top 3 most appreciated lecturers...

First one goes to... Mr.Jerry Chong! Well he actually explained that he is not exactly a lecturer, he's a tutor but he still like to thank all of those who appreciates him.

He mentioned that he didn't really mean this when he said he'll be back earlier but we cannot deny the fact that his students heart him.

Wondering what happened to another most appreciated lecturer?and where's Ms.Gorgeous?
Other than lecturers, we should no forget the hardwork by the staff.
*Sorry for some of the blur photos, my camera was running on low battery and I had to borrow a point & shoot cam from someone, didn't have time to tweak with the settings.The most appreciated staff award goes to..... *drumroll*

*The emcees weren't wearing their tags on stage. Watch out! LOL
The next one goes to...... an employee from student services.....

Ms.Chong Pooi Yee!!!
Ms. Nadiah Suki won the Ms.Goodwill award and the other Most Appreciated Staff award was won by Mr.Viswa.

The cake cutting ceremony.

Okay! She finally came after her class, Ms.Gorgeous goes to Ms. Melissa Migin!!! At the same time she also received the title as one of the most appreciated lecturers.

Lecturers and staff enjoying themselves during the guitar song dedication session.

A small group picture of StudentARC discluding those that are still working at that time.
Ok! Time to go back to my assignments. Hope all of you enjoyed viewing the pictures.
ARAB NIGHT, coming soon....